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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Giant danios sick

    Yes. Danios seem back to normal this morning. Still seems to be a slight swelling but all redness has gone and fish swimming normally, although still frantic. That is more likely to be because they were trapped in a small container though! Poo appears normal. I have released the 2 I managed to catch back into the tank.
  2. Caryl

    Giant danios sick

    Jennifer has suggested the fish might have intestinal inflammation and gas buildup in the intestines is causing the strange swimming. Stop feeding for a few days, add some salt to the water and when you start feeding again, add lots of daphia, brine shrimp and spiruling flake. Add those things for the other fish as well to help prevent it.
  3. I have 4 giant danios. Today 3 of them are head down, tail up and swimming oddly. Occasionally spiralling but mostly swimming frantically all over the place, instead of their usual gentle cruising. All seem to have a lump behind the anal region and all have red vents. All other fish are fine. I have managed to catch 2 of them (in case they are contagious) but in a large tank with a lot of driftwood and plants, they are hard to catch! They may be sick but they can move fast! Any ideas on what the problem could be? No change in anything, no new food, no new additions etc.
  4. I think I have Indian fern (a Ceratopteris pteroides or C thalictroides) growing emersed and submersed but it is in a tank where the water is darkly stained from the driftwood so I might have to move it to get a clear pic.
  5. Looks great! I suspect we will have a few more of these appearing now :lol:
  6. Our club is not meeting regularly at the moment but we do organise trips to other clubs, or go on shop crawls, critter hunts etc.
  7. Temperature shock Too much chlorine possible run-off from something sprayed on surrounding garden ...all come to mind. Otherwise I am surprised as fish would generally like a water change like that! I assume the fish were found floating in the pond? Any marks on them? Is it possible they floated out of the pond at some point, so died, then flowed back into the pond as the water level dropped again? In their last house my dad had to watch in heavy rains as the pond would overflow, the fish would swim out on the grass, then as the water level dropped they couldn't get back into the pond. He used to rake them in :lol:
  8. :happy1: :happy2: :bounce: Perhaps a good weekend to have a working bee
  9. That is good to know Discusguru. Is your pond sheltered at all? I would not keep orandas outside over winter here as our pond (about 3m x 9m) freezes over in winter.
  10. Caryl


    Sorry to hear about your loss Ryan, I know how distressing and heartbreaking it can be. A similar thing happened to my daughter. In her teens she had a tank full of guppies she had been breeding for over 2 years. She added a lovely black male (she had been looking for one for several months and the source was reputable) and within 12 hours all the fish were dead, except the original fish who was still fit and healthy. Again, quarantining wouyld have done nothing to prevent all the other deaths and we guess he had some infection he was immune to but to which the other guppies had no immunity. She has never kept fish since
  11. Sorry we can't make it but I recommend anyone in the area do so as their meetings are always interesting and tasty! :love:
  12. I did not comment on this as a) I do not live in Wgtn and b) I don't have orandas :-? Orandas apparently have a lower tolerance for pollution and cannot tolerate temperatures much below 16° C so I guess that answers the outside in winter question. I suspect you may have more problems, once the fish is bigger, in putting her in a tank after a summer in a pond, rather than trouble putting it back in the pond.
  13. Rising fuel prices are not going to help either if your members are far flung. :-?
  14. Caryl

    new from chch

    Hello You need to go to a Totally Tanked meeting
  15. It was only the one fish that was sick to start with and you have treated it. If it is now symptom free and the other fish are still fine it should be OK to reintroduce.
  16. I answered this in the coldwater section. Please post a question only once in one thread although it can be hard to decide, in some cases, which section would be best (ie whether to put this in coldwater or disease). Thank you.
  17. If one eye is clear he may only be blind in one eye. I think he might do OK back in the pond but if not, he should be easy to catch again. Fish seem to adapt to lack of eyesight in one eye but he may suffer from lack of food if totally blind.
  18. Ferry gets into Wgtn at 11.18am (assuming it is on time) and Google says it will take us 6 hrs 40 minutes (not allowing for food and relief stops) to get to Tauranga. Nobody has asked for a pick-up along the way as yet so I am assuming it will be a drive straight through at this point.
  19. Caryl


    My kids loved The Princess Bride and once upon a time I could quote a lot of it!
  20. My son takes his dog daily, sometimes 2x daily, to the dog park to socialise and get a good run. Their dog, a border collie, has just started agility training and it looks like she will like it - once she stops being distracted by the other dogs :lol: She likes to greet everyone and is very friendly. While Gareth and Kiba get their exercise, Dena, his partner, catches insects for her frogs 8)
  21. The date only matters to those who are earning points towards winning one of the breeding trophies. Any FNZAS member can register their fish at any time but to be eligible for the next trophies (awarded at conference) entries must be in by the 31 March. Breedings registered after this date go towards next year's competition.
  22. It concerns me that people are still asking "when is it?". All clubs should have already discussed conference and asked if last year's delegates are willing to attend again or if new people wish to put their hand up and volunteer to go as club representatives. Each club is allowed 2 delegates but other club members are welcome to go as observers. Details and registration forms were also in the February Aquarium World.
  23. With a small home, a small yard, and several small children about, why do you want a dog? I am not sure I would have one if I was responsible for other people's children.
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