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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Been there listened (and downloaded) to that thank you :bounce: 8)
  2. I have only seen one or two white butterflies around here and the cicadas seem to be about the usual noise level. Not seen any skinks either but I suspect that is a northern thing 8)
  3. It's been years since I read that. I think I still have the books here though. My first of the fantasy genre were the David Eddings Belgariad and Malloreon series. Terry Goodkind is now on my list next time I go to the library. Perhaps he will add to my favourite Terrys - Brooks and Pratchett :lol:
  4. I got bored with the TV series but will try the books. My preferred media anyway
  5. Arrange a get-together then advertise it locally in malls, supermarkets, any bulletin boards you can find, lfs, schools etc. Got a local freebie paper? Ring them and ask them to do an article about you wanting to start a fish club.
  6. Meeting tonight, 7.30pm Stoke Hall. A BBC Planet Earth film is being shown. All welcome.
  7. So Legend of the Seeker is based on the Terry Goodkind books? I have not watched Seeker on TV (my dad loves it) nor read any of his books. Perhaps I will try one myself.
  8. Nothing wrong with that at all Joe, I just wondered if you had some interesting new fish or pants in mind that required a pH out of the normal range The meters need to be regularly calibrated too I think and I don't know what that involves.
  9. It is a long drive to make with one so newly hatched. A pity though as I am sure it is going to be a very interesting weekend. I know the club has put a lot of thought, work and effort into it. :bounce:
  10. Why do you want to be able to test such a wide range?
  11. At that stage you might appreciate a weekend break Seriously, you are quite right and you have other priorities. Perhaps next year??? I think it will be in Hamilton then.
  12. Because that would be rude Joe. Now all of you get back on topic!!! or I will send Zev with the pointy stick :tears:
  13. 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10
  14. I am hooked on Imelda May's Inside Out as sung on the Graham Norton Show last week :nilly: It is a real ear worm! :roll:
  15. Indeed we did. All our members brought along a container of tap water, one of tank water, and every pH test kit they could find. These varied from test strips, liquid and electronic over a number of brands. Some were new and some were many years old. All gave the same results no matter how old (or new) they were. The pH test stuff I use occasionally, when I get curious as I rarely test my water, is about 15 years old and still appears to be accurate. I do not have access to an electronic tester any more but my results are the same as other, newer, tests used. I have a fancy JBL test lab that Grant won years ago at a conference. The other tests in it are no longer accurate but the pH seems to be fine.
  16. It depends on what effect you are after.
  17. Zev I booked without the booking number too but did state it was for the FNZAS conference so no worries. 8)
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