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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. My guess its a 350x80x100 CM tank if its going to hold that many big fish... Sounds Epic.
  2. I guess it would depend how much effort you put into breeding/rearing the fry and plants.
  3. Heh. Stupid fish (plural). :lol:
  4. I used to have a clown loach that was insistent on getting into the tightest part of a piece of driftwood. It couldn't get enough power when swimming backwards and it couldn't go out forwards... Every time I took it out it would swim instantly back into it. I then Destroy the driftwood and problem solved.
  5. What ever the rules are here, http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 902200.htm BOOM. What is the difference between "marlboro red" and my "melons" (Don't laugh dirty people)? Is the price really that different or would this be an achievable price?
  6. Fish aren't as fragile as most people think. Though they're sensitive to bad water quality, they aren't as weak when it comes to physical harm. What happens if they get attacked in the wild? Or swim into something etc etc...
  7. Paroon shark maybe? http://www.seriouslyfish.com/profile.php?id=635
  8. Severums? 3 of these would be compatible yes?
  9. Problem with africans is that I have yet to see a tank that I like that is easily re-creatable.
  10. ummmm, its a juwel 240 rio... 121 x 45 x 40 or something
  11. I don't want an over crowded tank though... And prefer a small variety of fish...
  12. Interesting... What largish africans Can I get?
  13. Don't they get to like 60cm? Possibly.
  14. Bump! I would Like a "meaty" fish that gets about 15-20 CM. That is not a discus or angel... Something interesting.
  15. A 4000 piece Jigsaw would cause me to go insane...
  16. Time for a change... I've had discus for a few years now and I'd like to try something new. The pleco will have plenty of space to sit and stuff, so hopefully it will be fine for a year or 2.
  17. I'm thinking of selling my discus and all that, plants also and get some larger fish. So far I am thinking of getting an Albino pleco thats been at my LFS for a while, 1 or 2 BGKs or so and some Geos. I just found out geos get to 30cm so thats too big for my tank. Any Ideas for my feature fish?
  18. Sorry, They're rather big... Smallest Discus: 2 Largest, Need IDing: "Brilliant red" Second Smallest: "Ugly Mofo"( Rose red IICR)
  19. Will get pics soon. Probably about 550 or something for all 6.
  20. Oh wow. ICWUTUDIDTHAR.... I'll upload photos eventually when my camera turns up....
  21. While we're at it, is there a discus ID website?
  22. I think they are melons also, but I'm not 100% sure if they are the same as one is less bright and has more peppering than the other. Has always been this way. Another is brilliant red that I bought the other day and one is a... ugly mofo red rose I think. the other 2 are small ones I don't really care what I get for them lol ... :oops:
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