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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. I have 2 large orange (not sure of breed yet) discus that I am thinking of selling, as well as 4 smaller ones. Does anyone know the price I should be asking for privately? eg trademe...
  2. Speaking of neons and stuff. The day has finally come when a fish decided to swim into the siphon hose during a WC. All was well.
  3. Have put them in a smaller tank for now with my 1 Eel... Will get rid of them soon I guess. =[
  4. I thought of this as well last week as my b-day is coming up soon... Could buy a whole lot of cool fish.
  5. They know me well. Was thinking maybe I can get store credit from it or something...
  6. I might see if I can trade it back to my LFS... Do shops do that?
  7. They do try to, but the whiptail doesn't give up. It does this multiple times an hour...
  8. As title says... Not sure if the thread goes here or in the cichlid forum but oh well... One of my royals keeps latching onto the larger 2 discus in my tank and I wonder how harmful this is and whether it will stop or there is something I can do to make it stop?
  9. "But they're definitely eel like"
  10. Right. Definitely been overfeeding. Clean it out the next day though.
  11. What does it meeaan?! =0 They're pretty much everywhere which I would guess my Eel would/should be eating... Which I don't think he is. His stomach now seems to be empty so I will keep an eye out to see if it eats anything... But anyway... the worms, what are they? What is it a sign of?
  12. Is he for real that that thing bites off fingers?! Or....? :-?
  13. A dwarf cichlid I have at around 5cm as an injury + infection or disease. First I noticed just a growth on the lower part of his chin (?) but now it has grown bigger and I have noticed that The middle part of his jaw is missing to the lump. Which Is about .5cm. I can see he is in pain and is weak and he is also growing a small lump on his head. I am thinking of euthanizing it but I'm not sure how exactly. Vodka? Help. Also if it is a disease what should I do to the tank?
  14. Yeah, I'll check the water ASAP and do water changes etc etc etc
  15. Half banded spiny eel is smaller at 25cm max size.
  16. Might not have time to wait. Thought about the option, the eel is only small still so a grown guppy will be too big. Would have to be fry. If anyone wants to give me some I will be more than happy to accept. :lol:
  17. I guess it depends whether they were eating in the store. Which I foolishly forgot to ask if they were eating. Never had any problems with fish not eating before. There is a black mass in the stomach of the remaining Eel, but exactly sure what that means though. Whats the easiest way to get the white worms?
  18. HIJACKING MY THREAD BACK! I really need help. I've been feeding bloodworms, small worms and insects I tried discuss pellets and nothing. Yesterday one died so If the other doesn't start eating soon it'll probably go the same way...
  19. Well kuhli loaches when they're petshop size are about the size of a worm... Doubt a peacock eel would have any trouble eating them...
  20. The pink thing under the brown kelp(?). Its facing to the right.
  21. :lol: Filthy Filthy Filthy Dubstep.
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