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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. No idea what carpet fitting is really called... but I mean the little bit of wood with nails in it that go on the edges of the carpet to hold it in place.
  2. Also consider the few CM's displaced by the carpet fittings.
  3. Don't the elephants get to like 25cm? Judging by the small fish in there, the tanks probably not big enough. You could try... Ummm... If you can afford it maybe some fancy plecs. Lol. Don't know your thoughts on khuli loaches, but they're kinda cool.
  4. DennisP

    Tank bracing

    Possibly expanding/retracting in the heat under the lights?
  5. lol. Putting your finger over the end of the siphon hose hurts more than a fish bite.
  6. Put some rocks in a bowl with low water and A LOT of light so they get overgrown with algae. Then give it 2 the ottos. Keep 2 and alternate. No idea how to keep them alive though =p
  7. Looks pretty good. I like the contrast the hairgrass gives the round rocks.
  8. Juwels are great etc etc etc. Only problem I find, is with the internal filter. Every time you go to clean it, you need to pull out the media which creates a vacuum effect and causes the muck to go everywhere. WTB cannister filter!
  9. I used to have 3 medium sized ones in a 120L. They were fine with plenty of room.
  10. I've kept discus for about 2 years now. And umm.... Sometimes they can be frustrating because they sometimes fight for no reason if they're unhappy. I do 10-20% water change every Saturday or Sunday. Just keep an eye on them to make sure nothing is wrong. Like everyone is getting enough food, and no one is getting excessively picked on.
  11. DennisP

    New Discus!

    Had a look today. The red rose has a damaged/deformed gill ='[ Nothing major... but its something to keep an eye on. Both are much more confident now and are hanging around with the others. There is still a bit of pushing by the original big ones but no problems. Fed them bloodworms today and a feeding frenzy erupted. Everyone got their fair share and they look fat and happy. =]
  12. Tanks will always look better if you have a small variety of fish in larger numbers =p As for the suckermouth, Its most likely going to end up HUGE if its ripping out plants.
  13. Discus will be less aggressive the more you have. And a pair will usually be fine together, but even if 2 have been living together fine in the shop, a change in tank can start aggression again which is what I found out.
  14. 120L 2 discus would be fine. Except 2 discus can be dodgy if they don't get along easily. If 1 is more agressive then there is nowhere for it to vent its aggression except to the other discus which could end badly. More is always better. Discus and neons are fine together. Not sure about barbs. Could be a bit nippy?
  15. DennisP

    New Discus!

    Its been a while since I've introduced new discus to my tank and was wondering what sign to look out for. They are both about 6cm, and are in with 2 juveniles and 2 old(ish) ones about 10cm+ from nose to tail. They are both interested in food so I take it that means they aren't sick. Which they shouldn't be. I noticed one of the old ones pushing one of them around but I think its okay. They are rose red and brilliant red btw. Anything else I need to consider?
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