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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Fire Eel would work. Silver aro... it WOULD need a bigger tank eventually, but for a small one it should be fine up to about 20cm. Personally I wouldn't.
  2. Mt Eden is boring. There is a lot of variety for dubstep out there. Most of it is on youtube so just keep searching for what you think he will like.
  3. Twas also a really shallow one. Would have contributed to it also.
  4. Exactly. Thanks guys! Might have a look at those nurseries tomorrow. I've always found them interesting and its about time I do something about it! :lol:
  5. Well, I like them. But know little about them. I'm sure there must be a few people on here that have or have had some in the past? I like the look of the fig tree ones, but also too lazy to start from scratch myself. What I would like to know, is everything. Especially along the lines of effort, pruning, watering, indoors/outdoors, species and price. Anybody? :lol:
  6. Frogs would be cool! Or, something like this: http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/imag ... fdc395.jpg
  7. No idea, but nice axy! :lol:
  8. Well, :oops: Feel a little silly, but oh well. After wanting Geos for so long, I started to think about their rescaping and all that I had another look in the pet shop and decided against it. Instead I have acquired 3 Blue Acaras. They are quite nice and I do not regret my decision. :lol: Tank is now completely stocked (for what I had planned) and is most likely going to remain this way. Inhabitants are: 3 Blue Acaras 2 Firemouths 2 Black ghost knife 1 L190 Royal pleco. Now... what to talk about. Firemouths were very aggressive when I introduced the Acaras but the Acaras took no notice :lol: Then, 30 mins later the firemouths decided to follow the Acaras around and try to school with them. :roll: Now, they go their seperate ways. The Black Ghost knives are very calm and have seen no aggression at all. They come out to play occasionally and go exploring together. There are plenty of hiding spaces in the tank for them so all should be well. The Pleco doesn't come out very often yet, but lost of rasping at night. :evil: Some photos: And, a nice horrible video to watch. Excuse the Dirty tank, Shocking camera work and spoon in the tank.
  9. You may or may not have read the post I put in my thread about leaving power off for a week. Stupid mistake but there was nothing wrong with it once I got back. I was amazed. Fish are still doing fine.
  10. Bacteria shouldn't die. Bacteria do not die in the cold, whether its 18*c or -18*c they merely go into hibernation mode. As for a heater, you could fill up a large plastic bottle or something with hot water and place it in the tank (sealed) to act as a heater.
  11. That would be cyano. You can try all sorts of stuff: black outs, something else, or antibiotics. I am sick of my cyno, its now appeared in both my tanks so... also adding onto this thread - What antibiotics to use?
  12. DW about the lost ones, I'm sure once they get going you'll have millions of fry. Probably wont have to feed the others anymore.
  13. Said he's going to get it made to suit (or buy one suitable) Still, what size tank are you thinking about? 60cm? 90cm? 120cm? 180cm?
  14. If you're willing to go through the effort of getting natives, a nice large tank would look cool. Big rocks mainly with a bit of river sand mixed, a small amount of driftwood and a small amount of plant found in our rivers/creeks. I'd say keep the tank quite dark too.
  15. eruption (pimple yumyumyum)
  16. DennisP

    Ram Sickness

    I've had it not with Rams, but with dwarf flags.
  17. are they the 99c ones from mitre 10???
  18. Photos please. Photos make threads so much more interesting. :lol:
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