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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. So thats how big it was. LoL. Didn't seem that big. But it got the water sloshing.
  2. I had a few random outcrops of BBA on my driftwood (last set up) It never spread anywhere so I just left it.
  3. Or some just listen more. :lol: I'm with p44, can't stand it. Also when people say "yous" ... Not even a word. But back to thread topic. Its easy enough to skim read through the info and I find it quite entertaining. But usually not seriously interested so maybe its just me.
  4. Looking good so far. (Haven't read rest of thread just looked at photos), but... I would get my hands on some smaller pieces of rock, or coral or whatever it is, and place it around the base. It just makes it look more natural as it just stands out a bit much as it is. Just a thought. :lol: Good luck, hope all goes well with it.
  5. Remember, google is your friend. I personally would only keep 1 type of small fish as it looks better. I've never had silver tips (or embers) but I remember something about fin nipping with tiger barbs and how its got something to do with being nervous in small numbers. May apply too. Other than that, i dont know.
  6. There is still water in between the gravel.
  7. I agree with what p44 says. Prefer a few nicely scaped ones. The more hiding spots you have the more fish you can have too. Which requires less tanks. But more importantly, I't not sure if I like the sag in there, I quite like the idea of a moss tank and this is the first time I've got it to grow lol. I might source me some more moss, and go for that Kind of layout. But funds first.
  8. Update: Added some more plants in. Mainly Java fern. Planning on some more xmas moss to cover rocks and would also like some brown crypts. Bank account has been hurting, so I'll wait a while. Here it is so far.
  9. My name is Dennis... I didn't realize this was going to be my screen name... :oops:
  10. Pretty sure you can't get them here....
  11. Haha. Never had any problems with ours. Gets played quite a lot too.
  12. Personally I would put a few rocks around the base of each and a few more scattered around the place. Looks good though. I like the amount of light too.
  13. heres a tank with the fish that you have atm (not sure about cories) ofcourse this tank is much bigger, but might give you some idea. PS, Val in that tank is illegal. :lol:
  14. Should I be Worried or Slightly excited As you can see from the first photo on this page (the firemouth) looks like a male with its fin extension. It also is a little larger than the other. Today I noticed the other which has no fin extensions and duller orange is medium fat and anal thing sticking out. They are both swimming around together and chasing anyone that comes too close to their home at the back of the tank. The "male" has now become very bright orange and the blue is much brighter and is leading the other around. The (possible) "female" is following and has dark stress lines (maybe due to WC 30 mins ago). Is "she" about to spawn, or explode?? :-?
  15. What I tend to do, is go with fish from one area of the world. Also, I like to have a few feature fish, some dither fish, and usually catfish. I find more of a lesser variety is nicer as it looks more natural and doesn't look as full and confusing. If you want, what I like to do is put in a few fish you wont see to often. That way there is always something to look out for in your tank! :lol: My main point though, is less variety, more of the same.
  16. And that is how they mark some exams... Can't get higher that your lowest mark... Also, very useful. They now need to add algae growth and stuff in there. :lol:
  17. Quick google search says fire eels get to about 46cm. That would work in a 1m + tank. On its own (or with smaller fish).
  18. I've you put it near a fish tank... tap water -> Fish tank -> bonsai. 2 birds 1 stone, and more regular WCs.
  19. Hmmm. The ablino ones get to about 30cm i think so they would be fine. Larger ones, not too sure. If they do get to 50cm like I've read, that'd be too big. Not an expert on them sorry.
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