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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Oops. I didn't see your post. Oh well... Its some sort of land mass where people of poverty are residing.
  2. Why? Also, wouldn't there still be electric current going through the sockets? Potentially fatal to LE POISSON?
  3. Cambodia is a country north of Australia somewhere. Pretty sure he mean cabomba.
  4. LIES! Call it an "amazon THEMED tank" and you'll be sweet. It allows for foreign additions and variations. :lol: Churr.
  5. This is also what I'm conscious of. :lol: What new lights? Without ruining the sockets etc.
  6. Thanks. First one didn't entirely look like that. Trick of the camera.
  7. They are great fish! Can't wait to get my 3rd and 4th! (Hopefully) :lol: I do find they look best when they are small though.
  8. :evil: That is exactly what I originally bought it for. Then, Just as I tear down the tank it starts to send out lily pads... Don't really want it in the current set up though as I am happy with the layout.
  9. Pectoral fins. Again, I wouldn't worry about it. If its broken it'll heal its self or regenerate. Keep an eye on it though.
  10. I'm not quite sure I like the bright 2 x 54w t5 HO lights in my tank. Just looks too bright compared to the rest of the set up. I am wanting it to look like this if possible. The options so far: -Floating plants. -New Lights. -???? 1: I have some Riccia in there now, not that it is enough yet but it will get there. 2: Prefer not to due to $$$$$ 3: ????? Has anyone else tried this before?
  11. Which fin? Most of the time fins will grow back anyway. I wouldn't worry about it. Look out for infection though and all that. HTH
  12. When you go on holiday but all you can think about is getting home to see your fish!
  13. Most likely any that you can tie ur co2 hose into. It would involve DIY skills to do it, actually, any part of your filter. The current, media and all that will diffuse it pretty well.
  14. Is it mosquito season yet?
  15. Don't forget. It may seem like it is a human, because it learns from humans responses. The more people try this, the better it gets at replying.
  16. What filter outlet do you have? If you can tie the co2 outlet into the filter it should diffuse enough by the time it gets into the tank.
  17. Interesting. They are definitely cool fish! 2 big ones along with geo's etc might be a bit cramped in my tank though.
  18. Might do it then. Why not black and brown?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJdWDNt7 ... re=related Seeing this video makes me want 2. Who has had experience with them as people often say only 1 as they will kill each other, yet theres videos like these and that person on TM a while back who had a whole tank full. Is it possible to have more than 1 peacefully?
  20. Have a look in organism. I know they have a magnum pleco (pretty sure that gets either 20-30cm so not so dwarf), a blue pleco of sorts which I think was labelled at 15cm and a gold nugget pleco which is about the same and probably some more I didn't see.
  21. Interesting. Interesting Indeed. Am hoping this substrate change and 100% water change (again) will have eradicated the cyano. Might still go with the blackout though to make sure.
  22. Off current topic question for P44: What is the minimum amount of time/a plant can survive off per day? (While I'm away next week.) As for tivo/mysky... We have mysky. It is amazing. I believe our neighbours have tivo, and my brother baby sits there occasionally.. says he prefers mysky.
  23. Yet you're almost always on these forums. Getting side tracked here... :lol:
  24. Is this why ur selling ur l270s?
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