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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. How does milk turn? lol. This thread need more activity!
  2. But they can't see out past their driveways. So they honk to let people know that they are reversing onto the road a little. Which is over the footpath where these kids are ILLEGALLY biking. (Probably safer on the footpath there as there aren't any drivers opening their doors that side.)
  3. The road along my school has solved this problem. Everytime someone drives out of their driveway, they toot their horn a few times to let people know. Its very off putting the first few times you go down this road (I was walking)
  4. Same thing happened to mine eventually. All 5 of them developed some form of this, or large lumps/sores. I ended up euthanizing (apparently that isn't a word..?) the last one as I felt bad seeing it suffer. My Rams were fine though...?
  5. I found it quite amazing how much sand I had accidentally removed when the siphon hose gets a little too close to the sand.
  6. All I know is that at the bottom of the hill there are often accidents. A friend of mine's mother once hit a cyclist there. When crossing the right lane to turn up the hill, you cannot see the cycle lane. As the road is always busy, you'd be lucky to get a gap large enough to slow down and check the cycle lane. She did not get a chance to do so though, and the cyclist was going above 30kmph (straight road, lots of tailwind) and they collided. Thats all I know. She lost her licence for 6 months.
  7. Last time I checked some 14 yr olds I know were out getting drunk.
  8. Young people still get drunk at age 15... Last time I checked drinking age was 18. :roll: These laws won't change anything. Besides, learner drivers don't drink drive with their parents anyway.
  9. DE... WAIT FOR IT! WAIT FOORRR IITTT!!! ... nnis. Dennis. 8)
  10. DennisP

    Eggs = Babies

    White eggs means they weren't fertilized. Meaning your male fails, or you have no male.
  11. A jar, in direct sunlight will get FAR to hot for a betta. As the heat rises, there is less oxygen in the water. The temperature will change a lot each day and with each WC. Not only that, but they barely have enough room. I would not do it.
  12. I used to have a clown loach years ago (Don't flame me!), and it always hid inside this 1 tiny crack. It couldn't swim out backwards so I had to fish it out. As soon as both wood and loach were back in tank, they became 1 again. :roll: In the end, I operated on the wood to get rid of the hiding spot.
  13. You could: -Gap year -Drop out and get a job -Stay at school and select subjects that you may be interested in but aren't too challenging mentally - Food tech, woodwork, -classics, history, PED etc etc... -All of the above (Get a job overseas and do school work via correspondence schooling. I don't think someone getting straight E's has to worry too much about where life will lead them...
  14. All I have to say about this is: NZQA/NCEA sucks. So many problems, flaws and loopholes. How is it that a german student can gain an excellence endorsement by opting to take german as a correspondence course? How is it that students can pay people to do assignments and effectively pay their ways to an endorsement. Why is it that extra-curricular activities such as working at McDonalds, ATV driving and other education irrelevant activities can get you credits. Bit off topic but yeah.... I wouldn't worry about it, unless your son is relying on these 4 credits to pass And as above, there are plenty of ways to get your way to seeming much smarter than you really are...
  15. Tables? The tables have turned....?
  16. True. Right now, I'm researching the southwest asain peat swamps. :lol:
  17. I remember this from about a month ago.
  18. Black ghost knives are very gentle. Except they will slowly eat small fish that fit in their mouth. Although they are pretty fragile and prone to ripped fins. A small BGK may not be okay with bichirs if they are too large, as their tail may look like food to the bichirs.
  19. @sam, I've tried that one before. It failed pretty bad. Mostly because the wood was rotting... but also it just didn't look right. @joe, I'm not a fan of the sandudanio, although I do like the mosquito rasbora. It could be another option. Right now I have set up something similar to the gobie biotope. But the wood is white and so doesn't have the same contrast. ... @fishkeepa, I have pygmy/croaking gourami in the tank at the moment, so that could be a very cheap way to go! :lol:
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