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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. They break like crazy! But in the hands of someone caring they'd be fine. Besides, they've got lifetime replacement guarantee thing.
  2. Check out skullcandy. They have a few. Price I think is about $50-$70 for your average overhead padded ones.
  3. +1 I think trying to imitate nature is what he means. If you want to get THAT strict though, get a biotope. (Although Imo, goldfish should never be allowed. :lol: )
  4. Whats the difference?! :lol: If you're going for the style of just planting plants, you're going to need a lot more. Also, a focus point would be good. (The rock is too far to the left imho, either move it or get another.) HTH
  5. She may have RQed. This has just turned into a trollfest anyway. No harm would come from deleting.
  6. THATS NOT PART OF THE LOG, THATS A SAE!! But also, I think it need the log back in there, or more rocks. For now anyway, until the plants fill in.
  7. But how will we know if they are of interest if we have not read it?
  8. The theories and Ideas are fine, but what knots?! I can't tie them at all...
  9. I hear $2 glue is fine. Also super glue brand superglue???
  10. Its a good idea, but doesn't fit all pieces of wood. Especially not the one in my possession. :lol:
  11. DennisP

    My two tanks

    I like how you said "INHERIT". :lol:
  12. As per title. Tomorrow is rescape day and the 1 thing I HATE about scaping is planting. And java fern/moss brings it to a whole new level. I usually tie it on using black thread, but it takes forever, and I can never get the knots to work properly. I understand you can use glue but don't have any here. What does everybody else do? I'm sure someone out there has it sorted.
  13. From what I understand, you're only concerned about little bugs. Which is totally fine. (Don't think anybody has a problem with that) When it comes to small fish though, thats another story. Only advice I have with live food is - they might be carrying bacteria (or worms depending on size) so keep an eye out for that.
  14. FIRST OF ALL, CALM DOWN! CAPS IS NOT NEEDED! Secondly, brown algae is usually around in the first 1-2 weeks of setting up a tank. How long has yours been running? My tank gets only small amounts in the corners.
  15. They get fish every week there so just order some more.
  16. 1: I don't understand the point of this thread. 2: Is it to tell us that you're going there? 3: Is it to tell us there is a market there (if so, why do you tell us this. Then tell us the fish don't live for long?) 4: Why after telling that the fish die do you put a " "...?
  17. DennisP

    Eggs = Babies

    What colour are they eggs? If they're white they wont hatch. If the discus is huge, it might pose a threat, if its still small the kribs will keep it at bay. Same goes for the BN. The rest shouldn't really be a problem. Ram vs Krib would be pretty even in size, so not sure how that will play out. Disappearing eggs could be due to all sorts of things. Parents eating them, others eating them.. hatching? etc etc
  18. Looking good. Looking good indeed.
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