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Everything posted by Ira

  1. They all suffocated that quick? How overstocked was your tank?
  2. From someone in Auckland's tank, good chance to pick up some frags too. Someone might be willing to swap a bunch of liverock for your rock. Go post over on the NZMAA messageboard and ask if noone here offers. Oops, edit: NZMAS forum, NZMAA is a totally different, but just as expensive hobby...
  3. If it's a well ventilated box it won't be enough to worry about. But more oxygen available=more heat production=burns out quicker.
  4. No need when Tursty could just prostitute out his copperband. $50/night, tank must be clean and free of diseases...
  5. Hah, I was thinking something along the lines of cell cultures and thought surely that would be valuable enough for a professional temperature controlled setup. Wasn't thinking bees.
  6. At points in the past not only did the powers of be not have an awareness of the fragility of native species they thought it was a GOOD idea to introduce as many exotic species as possible. Didn't think europeans could survive without lots of familiar animals...
  7. Feeding them iodine should be pretty trivial. http://www.netpharmacy.co.nz/neurokare-iodine-150mcg-90-tablets
  8. Ira


    Forget reptilez, he is overrated, pics of the crab please!
  9. Ira


    Forget the seahorses, they're overrated, pics of the crab, please!
  10. Ira


    Oh, btw, I tried...I taped my time lapse camera on the side of the tank between the glass and the wall. Left it there for about a month then went to check it. It was GONE. Finally found it behind the stand, had a look at the video, about 4 hours after I started it recording it fell off the tank onto the floor and broke.
  11. Ira


    Hah, yeah not a fern. I'm not sure how old it was, I think it was about a year or so.
  12. I'd have thought you'd better off pushing them forward through the water if you can hold their mouth open, that's the way their gills are meant to have water flowing over them. What I'd probably be inclined to do is hold its mouth open and put it in front of one of the spray bar's jets. Not too close though, just enough for a steady current. If you look at this pic, instead of kind of stretching out in the current when the water flows across them normally when the water is flowing backwards they'd tend to fold up and collapse.
  13. Ira


    One year update for no particular reason. I just tried to get a pic of one of the flowers, only camera I have at the moment is my cell phone though. It's a weird plant, I guess the stalks do double duty as flowers and runners.
  14. My understanding is: There is tax always. Even if there is no specific import duty you still owe GST. But they write it off if the total amount owing is under $60(IIRC?) which is the GST on $400. Keep in mind that amount also includes shipping. I suppose they've calculated that it costs them that $60 to bill you and chase up people that don't pay.
  15. HEY, That's my job, get your own! Wait...No, I'm sarcastic, cynical old fart...I think...I can't remember.
  16. Did you really look up Dodgadus Vindaloo? :slfg:
  17. Standard issue. If the smaller fish looks like it will fit in the bigger fish's mouth, the bigger fish will try to prove it.
  18. I don't know if it would be a whirlpool. 8000 LPH is roughly 20X turnover. If I could have the entire flow moving in one direction it would flow from one side of the tank in 3 minutes. So, an average of let's see .015 miles per hour. What a weak whirlpool...
  19. Thought I'd try taking a little video of my tank. This is with two CF1200s and two Seio M820s...So, according to specs of everything that would be up to 8600 LPH of current. Yeaahh...I'm sure they're not anywhere near that. But it could use more current. http://youtu.be/1OdZh2dxjBk It's really cloudy at the moment because I just did a water change, turned off the filters and they spat crap everywhere when I turned them back on. They overdue for a clean. Also my cellphone takes the worst videos ever.
  20. Finally getting rid of the africans and getting some good fish? :slfg:
  21. No, just that it's impotent. But in this case I think it was both.
  22. Only time I've bought new sponges was one time I tried to sterilize a filter by running it in a bucket of water filled with a handful of chlorine. They went all soft and floppy. Probably nice and sterile though.
  23. Struggling with it? Wait, are you expecting the val NOT to bend in the current?
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