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Everything posted by Ira

  1. They're harmless. Just some kind of little scavenger.
  2. .... Oh, wait, Mollies are livebearers...Don't mind me. :lol:
  3. Repeat after me: EGG LAYERS DO NOT GET PREGNANT!
  4. How about the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of acres of land destroyed for hydro power? :-?
  5. Lamp specialists in Petone don't have them?
  6. Ira

    My next skimmer

    It blows bubbles through water and collects the foam. It does this by raping your bank account. :lol:
  7. It's called mercury. And it's not the end of the world if one gets broken.
  8. Throw a heater in there, it'll take a few hours to heat it up and the fish won't mind a bit.
  9. Just leave it. There's nothing wrong with that PH and you'll just screw everything up trying to fix something that's not a problem.
  10. Hmmm, Hard to say. I have noticed that many gold bristlenoses do get some black patches on them. So that might not be a symptom of what killed it. And it does appear to have the body shape of a female, so would explain it's smaller size.
  11. Mmmm, Tequila with a fish at the bottom of the bottle.
  12. I've come to the conclusion that filters create a wormhole in them that connects to a dimension full of nothing but gunk. Because I've gone and cleaned out the filter media, run a brush through all the hoses, made sure every bit was practically spotless...And it STILL spit that crap out!
  13. Either bleach them or boil them, I'd say. Or boil them in bleach. Apparently bleach also helps to unclog them. So they should be good as new afterwards.
  14. Yeah, I always read that borneo suckers weren't algae eaters, but people here keep insisting they are. Confusing... I guess it's like people claiming their goldfish are pregnant.
  15. Yeah, it should be fine as long as the eye wasn't lost because of an infection or it doesn't get an infection. Just make sure you feed it food on the good eye side.
  16. That smaller one may not be sick. You may just have one of those horrible strange freakish mutations known as "A girl" :lol:
  17. Ira

    Fat firemouth

    Looks like it's really small and young. But if I had to guess I'd say that's a female. Everyone repeat after me: "EGGLAYERS DO NOT GET PREGNANT!"
  18. Go for the FX5. Should do a great job for you.
  19. Port Nicholson glasse, Petone, Wellington.
  20. Well, there's the obvious...Guppies. You might be able to get something like WCMM or Danios multiply faster because of larger spawn sizes. But, I think that would be outweighed by the significantly higher workload to breed them. Personally, I'd probably go with pearl gourami feeders. I know I have good luck breeding those.
  21. " pose an extremely low risk in biosecurity terms...we'd like to encourage tropical fish enthusiasts who have bright red/pink coloured danios in their possession... to contact MAFBNZ ...Arrangements will be made for the fish to be collected and put down." Basically, "They're harmless, but give us a call so we can come kill your pets." How about I give you a call so you can come kis...Sorry, not appropriate for this forum.
  22. So, Hummingbird, you're blaming the plants because of you adding heaps of algae food to the tank? It's not the plants, it's the dirty, nutrient rich water.
  23. You'd think so, yet I had a 100Lish tank(Maybe a bit smaller) that I could not clear up, 90% water changes per day for a week, and so on for a month or two. I put filter wool over the intake, it clogged up about every 6 hours but the water went from visibility of literally maybe 2" to crystal clear in 2 days.
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