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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I just rinse them whenever they get clogged.
  2. I've always found the best way to deal with green water is to filter it out with filter wool.
  3. When it's not pumping well, try turning it off and then pulling off the outlet hose on the tank end and letting it siphon into a bucket. This should help tell you if something's restricting the flow or if it's simply not pumping well.
  4. Ira

    fish coffins

    I think they're a bit small...
  5. Sounds like a case of "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
  6. Ira

    heat pads...?

    Depends what type of heatpad as has been said. If it's one of clothy type with powdery stuff inside then they're not reusable. You heat it up by opening it and the oxygen starts reacting with the powder inside. Reusable liquid filled ones with the little snap disk you put in boiling water until they turn clear. The bags of wheat or whatever ones, you just nuke until they're hot.
  7. Probably 16 hours is a good absolute max.
  8. They might bash you for stealing their traditional native sacred whakamolly that their ancestors have revered and fished for thousands of years...
  9. My system? Hose out the door to drain it, hose from sink to refill.
  10. Ira

    Stupid power cut

    Heh, that's a point. I should pull my generator out and give it a run this weekend.
  11. Is the impeller not starting or is it not primed? I always find it works best if I don't fill it with water beforehand. Just connect the hoses, let it fill up by siphoning from the tank and once it stops plug the power in. 80% of the time it goes right from then. Rest of the time I pop the outlet hose off at the tank and siphon into a bucket through the cannister until it starts pumping.
  12. There's a reason that it's generally advised to have a heater even in a coldwater tank...Most NZ houses don't have a clue what insulation is, let alone actually have any.
  13. Nah, don't put any fans in. Just put the lights at the bottom and run a couple big dryer hose air pipes from the top of the cupboard down back down to the bottom. Then convection will move the air around. Hehe, Ok, fans would probably be more tidy. Don't use computer fans. Just get a small desk fan from the warehouse. More power, probably quieter, a lot cheaper and doesn't need a 12V transformer.
  14. I don't! Laundry is woman's work. :lol:
  15. I don't see anything wierd about them. What's wierd?
  16. Bristlenoses normally have lots of lighter spots on their body.
  17. Hehehe, "I LEARNED FROM WATCHING YOU DAD!" Hehe...I guess that ad probably never played here in NZ.
  18. 600 is a good height for a tank. May need a step ladder if the stand is tall but it's still shallow enough to reach the bottom of the tank easily...Back corners are a bit of a stretch.
  19. I wouldnt' go any smaller than 1200X600X600.
  20. I doubt that the specific components of the salt matter hugely to fish like it would corals. But, I think if you can find ASW mix for a good price it's likely to be cheaper than a similar amount of salt from the store anyway.
  21. Stay with what you have and put better lighting on it.
  22. Any time I've used filter wool I just rinse it out in the sink. Seems to work fine, then throw it back in.
  23. Ira

    Water proof fans

    Have the fan blowing in and the stand reasonably well sealed then the air will still go out whatever vent and the fan won't be sucking salty air.
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