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Everything posted by Ira

  1. No, they won't really work the same. Though, they'd look AWESOME on a marine tank. Nothing in freshwater really flouresces well. Other than the water anyway. You'll get fish swimming in glowing green pea soup.
  2. Waitwait, are we getting the right auction? $3500? The link goes to a pair of L144s for a BIN of $200. I'm not really familiar with L144s, but $200 for a pair of less common plecos doesn't seem too ridiculous.
  3. Instead of siliconing it shut, you might try putting silicone around the rim where the current seal should meet. Then smear vaseline or similar on the lid to keep the silicone from sticking to it. Set the lid on so it's nearly closed, let the silicone set then take it off. That way you should have kind of a custom fit seal that once you put the lid on tightly should seal well. If it works.
  4. Jeez, Caper, do you enjoy stressing about everything? If you don't want to take care of them, don't. They'll survive or not survive on their own.
  5. If it moves around too much, get the sand further down the beach towards the water. It's usually coarser there. I'm sure though you can see where on the beach the sand is coarser anyway.
  6. There's no way they're going to survive 2.5 months without someone to look after them. An auto feeder won't last 2.5 months. And I'm skeptical, unless it's heavily planted, that a tank that heavily stocked will survive without several water changes at the least over that time.
  7. If they're breeding you're doing something WRONG. They'll eventually overrun your tank, jump out and then start attacking and trying to breed with your dog.
  8. I'd just leave it as it is. People worried about it dumping toxins back into the tank are using much larger volumes and absorbing a lot more of those toxins than you'd get in the average tank.
  9. It's a form of chemical filtration for your bank account. It's only any good when you want to remove tannins from the water if you have some driftwood turning it brown. IMO, that's not important, it makes the tank look better. Or some say when you want to remove medication from the tank. But imo you might as well leave the medication in.
  10. My tanks go cloudy occasionally, but it has nothing at all to do with feeding, it's caused by the water changes.
  11. Of course do your water changes.
  12. If you find some...Umm...I want some too!
  13. I wouldn't bother filling the bucket with water. Just have it dry. If after a day or two there's water in it, then it's leaking. :lol:
  14. It would be significantly easier to just use plastic.
  15. I see no reason it can't be run out of the water. It may be it's just a bit of covering their ass in case it leaks because it's not designed specifically for being run externally.
  16. Ira

    look what I found!

    Possibly they're just not found in rockpools often. If you're not a diver you wouldn't see anything beyond that.
  17. I think I've seen those before. They have some sort of actual ammonia absorbing chemical media inside them I think.
  18. Ira


    Not the only way. But it's the most definitive way. If you have a batch all hatched at the same time the larger ones will usually be male. And males and females also usually have slightly different body shapes. Males are more triangular from the pectoral fins to the tail, females tend to be wider and then narrow towards the tail. |.| \/ If that works...But it can be hard to tell without two next to each other and it's not guaranteed.
  19. Ira

    Great fish show

    That skimmer is just stupid... I mean...why would I buy a skimmer that would basically make my tank the refugium for the skimmer? :lol:
  20. Ira


    That's why I took away all their rocks and then threw them in with my SA cichlids. Although....The cichlid tank only has 3 cichlids now...And lots of rocks...Hopefully any babies will get eaten quick.
  21. Ira


    I lost count of mine around 200.
  22. Ira


    My suggestion? Find something else to breed, everyone's breeding them! Bristlenoses and pearl gouramis...Hate them! I'm going to be taking some to the auction tonight, and I'm betting there will be quite a few others there too.
  23. Ok, so definitely yellow tangs then... A shop in Petone (YAY! Wellington marines!) had a small one for $220. I think an Auckland shop advertised them for $200 a few weeks ago? And I can't remember where but I saw somewhere else not long ago advertising them for $250.
  24. Probably be a year or so until it's time to look for a bigger tank for the severum. No reason the severum should have a problem with any of the other tankmates. They're pretty tough, they can look after themselves.
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