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    New Zealand, Christchurch
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    Scuba Diving, Mountain Biking and Swimming

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  1. Thanks for all the help guys. I feed the him some pea's this morning and he went for them. He's been lazing around for a wee bit now that I think of it, but just last night I noticed that his belly was pretty big! Raised the water temp last night and will try putting in some Epsom salts tonight. The fish only get blood worms once a week and are only fed once a day with flakes. I may try giving them peas more often, usually I just get them straight out of the freezer, chop them up and put them in, do you have to cook them?
  2. Actually we havne't seen him poo in general. Though one of our platy's seems to be pooing constantly! He's about 6-7 months old. He is eating, fed him some blood worms tonight. Most of the time he gets flakes. Would feeding him some pea's help constipation?
  3. Just did a google search. It could be Dropsy, but the scales aren't sticking out too much. I am going to try raising the tank temperature and see how he is in the moring. would you recommend anything I could get from the shops for him? One site said epsom salts. thanks for the reply.
  4. Help, my male fighter looks like he is a female swollen with eggs, he's got a big belly just behind the gills. He lazes around the bottom of the tank and occasionally shoots up to the surface for some air. Does anyone know what might be going on? He's definately a he, as he is a crown tail with really long fins. We've had him for about 6 months now. Water conditions have been good and we haven't introduced any new fish for about 6 weeks. any help would be appreciated. cheers, ketan
  5. I got 6 Black Neon Tetras yesterday to start the tank cycle So far they've settled in well.
  6. No I haven't put any stress zyme in the tank. I'm going to go with Killie's I think. I'm just wondering about a clean up crew?
  7. I got the tank setup on sunday. Yay. Hopefully fish soon. If you've got a filter that was used in another tank but it's been dry for a while would you still have bacteria in the filter to start the cycle in the tank?
  8. I did think about that, but I can only really have 1 male in there. :-? I'm interested to try and get King Killies but I will have to do a bit of research on them first. Also where do I get Killies from??? I've never seen them in any shops before.
  9. Thanks for the ideas. I may try Killies and see how I go Yea, I would love a bigger tank, but circumstances don't allow me to have one just yet. I miss my 200L I had when I lived in Auckland.
  10. Hey all. I haven't been around on the forums for a while due to me not having any fish But I'll be shifting to a new place with my partner. She already has a 45L tank and I want to set it up next weekend. Just wondering if anyone has ideas on what fish would be good to put in it. Previously I had a 200L when I lived in auckland and my experience was with Gourami's (Pearl), Clown Loaches, Plecos, Fighters and a school of Tetras. I'm quite keen to try Angels but I'm thinking that a 45L will be too small? If so, how quickly do angels grow i.e. if I got babies how long would I be looking at before upsizing the tank? Any input would be great thanks cheers, Ketan
  11. Awesome tank. Oscars look so cool, I wish they would stay the size they are when you get them from the pet shop!
  12. My flatmates went to a croc farm in Aussie and someone asked the question about croc's vs sharks and who would win - the guy's answer was "who ever was the bigger animal". Judging by the picture I think he's right!!!
  13. I remember this link on making an underwater waterfall Linky link Yea, I'll try and cruise round to a totally tanked meeting, should be interesting. Just wondering, I drove down Ilam rd after work last night and went past where I thought Organism was, but I didn't see it. Has it moved? And yea, Loopy, if you're keen I'd be up for helping set up your tank room.
  14. Haha, very nice idea :lol: . Just out of curosity, what is your next project? If I had enough dosh (and the space *cough*) I'd really love to set up a big tank for clown loaches, complete with underwater waterfall!
  15. Yea I will be here long term, but don't want to find a place till after I come back from the states, only going away for a month or so. But it's convenient to stay where I am until I come back, Car security etc. I use to go to Uni here, so I've been to Organism and Critter Kingdom couple of years back when I was living down here. I think I'm already twitching from not having a tank! But yea, just thought I'd offer my services if anyone needs a hand with something.
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