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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Except AFAIK noone that's actually used it has ever noticed any ammonia or nitrite spikes. I didn't when I used it.
  2. Green terrors aren't bad, and are pretty colorful. Geo. Surinamensis are nicely colored, Geo. Braziliensis. Gold severums are obvious.
  3. When you get back and they're begging for food tell them to stop being whiney little brats because most fish can go weeks without food. :lol:
  4. You could also try stopping by a landscaping place/garden center, they have terracotta cylinders and similar that should work.
  5. I don't remember there being any fish in Wal-mart. But the big pet shops like Petsmart the few I've been had more fish, better selection and better taken care of than almost all the pet shops I've seen in New Zealand.
  6. Borneo suckers aren't really algae eaters.
  7. I need to get to work on my pond. I need to hack some trees and shrubs out to clear a space to move my succulent garden because the pond is going to replace them. Then I'll figure out how the hell I'm going to build the pond.
  8. When my surinamensis and juruparis were little they'd get big bellies after eating too.
  9. Just get a couple bristlenoses. They'd work fine and are a dime a dozen.
  10. I'd suggest getting a bigger tank then getting a redspot, goldspot or common plec.
  11. I used bleach on some sponges once and it ate them. I don't know what the sponges were made from, but it turned them from nice, fairly stiff sponges into all floppy and saggy.
  12. I found that my coraline always died when it was exposed during a water change.
  13. I like ones with that kind of pattern better than most guppies.
  14. They can be installed either way, the critical thing is having the voltage right. All in parallel on about 3.5-3.7(iirc) volt or series of 3-4 on 12 volt so that each sees the correct voltage. The reason for putting them in series is that it helps limit the current if you get the voltage too high so you don't blow them.
  15. I believe you're referring to sea cucumbers, not sea slugs AKA nudibranchs.
  16. If your PH has gone up it's likely due to thinks like shell or similar in your tank in which case they're also increasing your buffering. So, adding more would be kinda like trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower...
  17. Try a chemist or one of those hippy health food or whatever shops. And, I'm not so sure about the baking soda. I've inhaled CO2 before and basically it burns and makes you feel like you're suffocating...
  18. If he's going with cold water he won't need any real lighting.
  19. Ideally they never freeze. Have you ever tried to flush a giant icecube?
  20. It'd help to have a picture that wasn't focused on the neighbor's house.
  21. For tropical fish...Well, that's kind of like worrying about how much it hurts a dead person to be cremated. They're dead hours before they freeze.
  22. No I don't! I have a hydno that...Uhh...Just looked closer...Ok, yeah, I kill all my SPS. I need to get some kalk I think.
  23. Heh, true. I don't find most SPS very nice at all, I much prefer LPS and softies.
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