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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I blame this thread for the apparent sudden death of my Nikon 995.
  2. Haha, Yeah, why not just get some Koi? At least they're nice and big, the fine for introducing them is the same, up to $200,000 or something like that.
  3. I don't think otos are generally considered to be plecos.
  4. Never heard of or seen yellow ones.
  5. Ira


    You're going to need something pretty grunty for that. Laguna PJ7000 or better, I think.
  6. Do 150w and 250w MHs run at different voltages at the bulb terminal ends?
  7. Ira


    Seems like a bit of a hoax. To begin with, why would bettas need a 10L tank to get enough oxygen?
  8. Ira

    12VDC air pump

    Wouldn't it be easier just to make sure your headlights aren't leaky?
  9. The world is boned no matter what, there's nothing that we can do about it. Why worry that your carpet is getting ash on it when you're trapped in a burning house without any fire extinguishers?
  10. Fish don't normally swim particularly fast in reverse...
  11. Are those all goldspots? Heh, at least they're only medium sized plecs, they'll still get cramped in there.
  12. I fail to see how a nice sized fish is a problem.
  13. Scats and Monos are probably the only other two commonly available brackish fish.
  14. They're planaria worms. They're a symptom of having a dirty nasty tank that needs to be overfed less and water changed more.
  15. Ira

    set up costs

    And a huge difference between a FOWLR and a reef.
  16. Oh, yeah, plywood would be good too. Put some plywood around it, a few bracing 2X4s under it and then you could put some shelves for all your fish food and stuff.
  17. 2X4s are only a couple bucks a meter, a pack of big screws maybe $15 and new paint like $20. There's nothing wrong with the stand those and a weekend couldn't fix.
  18. And I don't think trout do well in ponds, they're river fish.
  19. And not sealed so you're working at a static head height instead of 0 static head like a cannister.
  20. This post is useless without wet T-shirt! Oops, I mean nice pond.
  21. Ira

    Cheap fish

    You're an idiot if you're just going to a pet shop and buying guppies or neons as feeders. Just buy a handful of guppies for say $5 each that's $25. After a month they're $.25 each. After 2 months they're $.025 each. After 3 months they're $.0025 each. Are we seeing a trend yet?
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