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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Just two, a redspot and a goldspot.
  2. I like the bigger plecos better than bristlenoses. Why have a little fish when you could have a beautiful big fish?
  3. Basically? Big tank, no corals. Probably also not many other fish for it to eat or shrimp.
  4. Ira

    DIY Wave maker

    Yup, no reason a scwd can't be plumbed internally. An OM can't, but a bit more plumbing seems like more than a fair tradeoff for what you get.
  5. Ira

    Fancy Pleco's

    I'd love a scarlet pleco.
  6. Ira

    DIY Wave maker

    The hydor flo and SCWD are the cheapest wavemakers around. The hydor flo, at least the ones I had, tend to jam up or strip their gears after a few months. SCWDs generally are pretty good though. I think best bang for the buck though is the Ocean Motion squirt. Takes a bit more plumbing but you can run it off any pump you want and it redirects the flow to 4 different outlets in a variety of patterns.
  7. Ira

    Lights or not?

    They also reorient themselves towards the light from the side. Swim on their side, or vertically, hehe...It's kinda interesting to watch.
  8. Ira


    Like I said earlier, BLUE TETRA.
  9. Ira


    That's a Blue tetra. Or Conchu blue depending on who you ask.
  10. Why not just use the nothing? It would smell better. :lol:
  11. I prefer not to use filter wool at all because it clogs up fairly quickly. Put more bio media in the others or whatever. I have handfuls of crushed oyster shell.
  12. I've wondered about rigging up a small motor and a belt or something to a nitro fuel hand pump. I haven't taken mine apart, but IIRC they use the same method as most dosing pumps to pump the water.
  13. Severums, Uaru, Surinamensis, Jurupari are a few that come to mind.
  14. Only if you don't have it going through tiny little narrow airline hose. You can't cram twice as much air through the same size hose without increasing the backpressure.
  15. Oh, and most electric blankets are rated at 50 watts, so I don't think it's a huge risk.
  16. I had one of my tanks heaters off for about 2 weeks over winter here in Wellington. No losses and it was at 16° when I noticed it one evening.
  17. I love duckweed. Great stuff. Why would you want to get rid of it? I can't keep it!
  18. It restricts the flow, so you get less total flow than from two lines. But you get more air through that one line than you would from either of the two on their own.
  19. Ira

    kill coral

    You could have just sent it to me.
  20. That would be a sandfall, not a waterfall.
  21. I didn't make any changes at all after dosing the E. No fish losses, no notiable damage to the biofilter and the cyano has never come back.
  22. Unless you're plugging the extension cord from an outlet in their house into one of the outlets in your house it's not going to matter. If you just have your tank plugged into the extension cord it's no different than if the tank was sitting in their house on a long extension cord.
  23. Ira

    Coconut caves

    I've got a coconut. I'm just trying to figure out what to do with it...
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