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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Personally, I kinda think if it doesn't have wings or rotors, what's the point?
  2. My RC has a drift stick built in. Push left, it drifts left. Push right, it drifts right.
  3. They're probably one of my favorite fish. I've had several.
  4. Uhhh...Could you narrow it down a bit? People use just about any kind of sand in their tanks. Some use sandblasting sand, some use beach sand, some use river sand, some use pool filter sand, some use propogating sand, some use coarse sand, some use find sand, some use light colored sand, some use dark colored sand. Some use angular sand, some use rounded sand, some use lots of sand, some use a little sand, some use pile the sand up towards the back, some have it level...
  5. Probably you have very dirty air. :lol: Heh, I'm serious actually. Any dust, pollen, hair, etc in the air would be caught by the water surface.
  6. They'll smooth out any little bits of debris, sand, bumps from nails, tiny unevenesses, but will NOT help if the stand is not even.
  7. If you part the kids out you can get more for them.
  8. Yeah. One moderate sized nuke plant in the south island, maybe somewhere near Christchurch and another near Jafaland. At the moment, iirc about 50% of our power is hydroelectric. Drop the hydro back to about 33% which leaves a lot of capacity for changes in demand because I think hydro can adapt a lot quicker. The two nuke plants powering about 66% but running under maximum capacity to give a lot of room for increasing demand over time. Then any other power sources like wind turbines could be used to lower the demand on the nuke plants.
  9. Get rid of the discus, buy a couple more silver sharks.
  10. That size, I wouldn't bother making it a reef. Just make it a little FOWLR.
  11. THe only reason it would be on all the time is if the heaters aren't powerful enough to keep the temp at their set point. So, if they normally hold the temp at say 26.0 and it's dropped to 25...Well, then you've got a good idea that the heating required is just above what you have.
  12. You spoiled freshwater guys whine about the electricity costs of your barely lit, only a couple pumps freshwater tanks. Try getting a reef tank! :lol: Last time, and only time, I actually measured the power my reef was using it was about 2.1 KW.
  13. Ira

    out door ponds

    I'd suggest building it to the depth you want, put an overflow pipe at 400mm....Oh, bugger, it appears the overflow pipe has clogged....
  14. They obviously lived in little cups BEFORE humans started making rice paddies a few hundred years ago.
  15. Nope, it's on the "Sweet, we can charge people money to fish for them!" list. So, they're basically happy to have it introduced anywhere.
  16. I think he might get in a bit of trouble for catching fish without a license if he did that...And undersize too. :lol: Go to images.google.com and search for "Trout Fry" You'll come up with heaps of fry that look just like that. The stripe pattern seems very distinctive.
  17. I think the 400s use a lot bigger tubing than the 200s.
  18. All I've ever seen gro lux tubes for was about $30 more than normal tubes. $30 price difference will pay for about 167 kw hours. That would run a 40 watt fluoro for about 347 days at 12 hours a day. The normal suggested tube replacement interval is about half that. And if you're wanting to go for the best, go for metal halides anyway.
  19. Ira

    diy co2

    Are you using yeast and sugar or a CO2 bottle?
  20. I go by the theory that you can put more of the less expensive less perfect tubes over the tank and still come out ahead pricewise.
  21. Even the local glazier here in Wellington that tons of people have had make tanks, including me, doesn't really seem to know anything about the math or specific glass strengths behind building tanks. He seems to go more by experience. I may be wrong though. Barrie, if he doesn't know why do you think a guy who does nothing but cut and install house windows to government regulation specs would have a clue?
  22. That's perfectly normal. Have a look around most water troughs in sheep paddocks(Well, dirty ones) and similar, they'll look pretty much like that.
  23. Severums though, do tend towards being very calm fish. All of mine have been. I've had something like 8 total and not a single aggressive one.
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