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Everything posted by Ira

  1. No, kent terrace is miles away. I just checked a map. It's Taranaki street, Kent Terrace is on the opposite side of the university. It's right about here next to the "tara"
  2. Wow...Uhh...Yeah, don't do that.
  3. Because, basically, anything that's illegally imported has to be either destroyed or sent back out of the country. They might bother trying to find an option for pandas, but siamese fighters aren't real animals, they're little slimy high maintenance ornaments.
  4. You couldn't find Jaycar? They're up...Uhh...Taranaki street I think it is...Blue building a couple hundred feet past the intersection with the motorway.
  5. Hey, Bud, Bridget wants to know if you want a new mate, a Quaker named Tremor?
  6. If it was me it would have been something like freshwater rays or cuttlefish.
  7. Ira

    New Filter

    No reason you can't get it all set up and running without media.
  8. Ira

    New Filter

    I'd say an aquaone CF1200. Nice and cheap, good flow, lots of space for media.
  9. Yes, it will have been absorbed by the rock and will leach out over time. There is no way to remove it from the rock. The rock is pretty much permanently contaminated and unsuitable for use in a reef tank. You might be ok using it in a reef, the levels of copper that leach out may be low enough to not cause a problem, but the if one or two corals die because you've used the contaminated rock then you've already lost enough money you could have paid to replace a good amount of rock.
  10. Heh, not really. Different BS, same size servings.
  11. And where will you go? Most everywhere is just as bad. Maybe Nigeria isn't, you could also try somewhere like Kazakhstan...
  12. Bah, my 7600GT works just fine for every game I've played so far.
  13. Oven for the winter, fridge for the summer. I'm set!
  14. Nah, I think crying kids would be better being thrown outside. Maybe lock them in the car if you don't have a doghouse so they don't run away and won't get wet. Wet kid smell...ewwww...
  15. I only have an airstone in one of my tanks. I decided just now that it has more than enough airation from the cannister filter, no need for the air pump. So...I unplugged it. Now I can hear my refrigerator...It's annoying me.
  16. Also make sure that's the continuous rating, not surge. Mine's advertised as a 750watt generator, but if you read the fine print it's 550 watt continuous, 750 max. Still, pretty good for $100something.
  17. So do children. They're far more damaging than your average cat or dog, but you're allowed to have them.
  18. Unless you have a huge heater or a really small tank you're not going to get extremely rapid temperature variations.
  19. Hmmm, I'd have thought anyone that could read could figure it out. Or are the instructions in chinese? Mine's easy. Pull the little plastic strip out of the battery compartment to power it up then plug it in, plug what you want to measure into it. Then just hit function to scroll through the different readouts.
  20. That's not a marble bottom tank! That's a marbles bottom! Looks kinda cool actually.
  21. Nope, that should be all good.
  22. You counted 40+, means there are probably 80+.
  23. I doubt they breed better in a tank with other fish, I think it's a "Watched pot" kind of situation. People with them in a tank on their own do it because they're watching and waiting impatiently for them to breed. In a community tank they don't pay as close of attention so the bristlenoses seem to boil quicker.
  24. They'll quickly feel otherwise when they realize they have 300 bristlenose to get rid of, all their tanks have drifts of bristlenose poop and everything inside the tank is impossible to see through the brown bristlenose shingling. Then, years later, after they're down to the last 30ish and have torn EVERYTHING out of their 400L tank so they could get every single one except the biggest pair, FINALLY don't have any more of them... SEVEN MORE OF THE *#$* THINGS!!! will pop out of who knows where as they're picking up the bags of bristlenose to take to the fish shop. That's my experience anyway. But, at least they're not pearl gouramis.
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