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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Just about anything edible for humans the fish can eat. Mine love chicken.
  2. Ira

    Major freak out

    Since they'd be using DC batteries when running the whole pump is probably powered by DC, likely just use a little wall wart power supply. You could replace that with a 220v one that puts out the right DC voltage.
  3. Ira


    $12 each...That is cheap. They're not schooling are they? So you don't generally have to buy half a dozen like tetras. $6 each is about average for tetras. So call it $30 for a school, that's double the average price of a single cichlid.
  4. That doesn't seem toooo bad, most of them are small. And one of the major ways of diffusing(Or would it be defusing?) aggression in fish is by crowding them in with a lot of fish.
  5. Ira

    RCD power point's

    Are you sure you have an RCD or a circuit breaker? Or does it do both? Because they do two totally different things.
  6. I entertain mine by putting an earthworm on the end of a curved piece of metal and dangling it in the tank with a piece of string.
  7. Ira

    Acrylic tanks

    Try Port Nicholson glass in Petone. Last time I heard he generally does tanks, including stand, for about $1-2 per liter. I think Pies had his huge 2000something liter marine tank made for around $2k.
  8. Ira

    Acrylic tanks

    How big are you looking for?
  9. Ira

    Acrylic tanks

    Like I said before, it's NOT going to be cheaper. Getting a tank made is pretty cheap anyway, and once it's in place weight of the tank is pretty much irrelevant. If you're wanting cheap, look around for secondhand.
  10. Ira

    Acrylic tanks

    Likely going to be a lot more expensive and then you have a big, expensive scratched up tank.
  11. Then in that case probably will want the King, even though its rated at lower flow with no head, it has a 50% higher head so it probably won't lose as much flow at the 1.5 meter ish he'll be running it at. So, probably come out ahead. But, then again, either one will be heaps of flow, so if the Atman is the quieter one, probably worth it. I've never used either, all I use are Lagunas.
  12. Depends, what are you doing with the pump? Using it as a powerhead? Return from a sump? Closed loop pump? Or are you calling a cannister filter a pump like many people do? In which case you're looking at totally the wrong thing?
  13. Ira


    Probably planaria worms. Totally harmless. Wait...So, the kit said that the water was acidic...So...You added PH down...Which makes it more acidic? Why?
  14. I think they were $4-5 last time I saw them at Animates.
  15. Ira


    Exactly my point. As you warm the cold room the humidity drops and dries everything. It definitely hasn't been my experience that making the rest of the house nice and warm also makes it damp. I'll have to check, but I seriously doubt my heat transfer is losing 70% of the heat, but I haven't checked if the outside of the insulation is warm.
  16. They're that cheap in Auckland?
  17. I'd imagine because the eggs stayed in the jar and now that they've hatched he hasn't bothered to take it out.
  18. Is that urchin a Kneaditius tuthpikii? Is it there to clean up leftover food? Where can I get one?
  19. Then you should do the same thing. Strap them to their chair, let the cats eat their food and then smack them with a rolled up newspaper.
  20. Ira


    Stupid connection problems...
  21. Ira


  22. Ira


    What's your logic for that? They don't add any moisture to the air themselves. Unless you're using something like an unflued gas heater that dumps massive amounts of water into the air, if you're pumping warmer air into a cold damp area it would drop the relative humidity=less dampness. Certainly preferable especially over the winter where the roofspace is only slightly warmer than outside anyway.
  23. Ira


    Ahahaha, Please can I pay $3000/year to be an apple weenie too? :bounce:
  24. Then you need to correct him on that. Do things like letting the cats eat his food while you hold him back and make him watch.
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