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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Fish ID?

    Hmmm, redhead green severum. Damn, if I didn't already have two greens and a gold I'd buy it.
  2. Ira

    Fish ID?

    The first fish looks a bit unusual for a severum, may be the angle and it might be stressed or something though. Second is DEFINITELY a green severum. The pleco, looks like a redspot which are frequently also called sailfins. But the fins don't normally have the much redder edging like that.
  3. Ira

    leopard fish

    I'd imagine they're the same as most livebearers, that they hold sperm for months after mating and fertilise multiple spawnings.
  4. Ira

    leopard fish

    They are a coldwater fish, not a tropical. Or coolwater anyway, they probably won't handle swimming in ice.
  5. Supported only around the edges seems to be the norm in the US. And I've met many people who will violently argue with you claiming that it is the only safe way and that any tank will break if you support the whole base.
  6. Then you could get driftwood instead of bog wood.
  7. Longer than usual isn't normal. Longer than claimed however is.
  8. Discovered on the morning that the UPS would happily run a single filter, but not all 3. So I had to risk it and just run one. And the nice little 5 hour "Often are for far less" outage according to the guy I had checking them turned out to be approx 8 hours judging from the amount clocks were off. No deaths as of last report.
  9. The motors don't care if they're moving air or water. It would be giving you around 12000ish RPM depending on voltage, so you'd just want to size the boat's prop for the current draw you're aiming for. Only concern would be cooling because it's air cooled not water cooled and you wouldn't get much air flow with boats being so slow.
  10. Ok, who deleted my link to a trademe auction asking if that is similar to his motor and took out half my post along with it?
  11. Cooling would be a huge problem, and I don't know how mounting to a water prop would work...But powerwise you could go with a motor like this one for $140 US. This one is rated at 8 horsepower and the motor itself weighs 200 grams less than your petrol motor. Of course, the 13cell lipo to power it is going to add a stack of weight.
  12. Ira


    Car battery, small inverter and a small charger and you have yourself a UPS.
  13. Ira


    I'm expecting about 3 hours out of a car battery running 3 cannisters. Maybe hoping is the correct term. Ideally I think you'd want to do something like just have an air pump running continuously on the UPS, no heater and any cannister or other filter run for like a minute or two every 10 minutes. Just enough refresh the water in the cannister.
  14. No real way to tell from such a tiny picture, barely even enough to tell it's a fish.
  15. Ira


    I usually wake up and wonder for a few minutes what is wrong, then realise it's too quiet.
  16. Then she's not using enough. Just throwing the odd shell into the tank won't make any real difference. She needs to try something like bird grit which has a few hundred times the surface area.
  17. Ira


    Looks like they're having the same weather we've been having for the last month.
  18. Hahaha, Now "They're" is a bit of irony...
  19. As just about everyone with a tank too tall for you to reach the bottomwill tell you. "No. You're wrong."
  20. Or you could have bought my skimmer.
  21. Alright, now THAT is a sport I could get into. Penguins, water, people falling over and chicks in REALY short shorts.
  22. Obviously they thought you were trying to sneak some methsandphetamines into the country.
  23. Ira

    Best Fish?????

    Same reason they'd like to spread around inbred mutant carp, or mutant bristlenoses, or mutant danios, or mutant mollies, or mutant....
  24. It's only meant to be a one off. Why would I want to have 3 extension cords running to opposite ends of my house permanently. And I'll have my father in law who is looking after the cats, birds and fish, unplug the UPS and plug everything back in where it belongs afterwards.
  25. Heh, I thought for sure my keychain full of radioactive material would be stopped when I had it sent to me. Fortunately not.
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