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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I'm saving the world by heating my house with renewable, carbon neutral biofuel.
  2. We took Tikki to Animates midwinter christmas thing last year(I think it was) and someone had brought a little tiny dachsund puppy and was walking it around on a lead. She ran over to him(Scaring the puppy's owner) then flopped down in front of him with her head on the ground to sniff and say hi...her ears were still higher than the top of the pups head.
  3. It isn't particularly, yet. But at the moment it's like complaining that your newly hired employee is absolutely useless at his job and you've only just shown him where his desk is... I think now it's more important to be starting producing and using alternative fuels rather than if specific ones are really particularly viable. Once they get to be more of a gimmick the non viable ones will disappear.
  4. Ira


    I haven't noticed any condensation(Except for the bathroom) this winter so far, I think because I got rid of the marine tank and we bought a proper fire. My Cent-a-meter has a humidity display on it, just lighting the fire drops the humidity from 60%ish to 30%ish. You can get a fire, installed, for similar to that $3000 HRV system...
  5. Poor socialization when young. Assuming he doesn't just want to play.
  6. Ira


    I don't get why HRV systems cost so much. Seems all they are is a fan(Probably the most expensive bit), a bunch of ducting(Cheap), a couple vents(Cheap) and a thermostat(Not particularly expensive). Some I've seen have some pretty good thermostats, but other than that from what I've seen they seem to be identical to a $500 heat transfer kit, except you're paying an extra $2500 to not have the duct going from the room your fire is in to the fan intank. All you're doing is pumping attic air into the house.
  7. Ira

    Major freak out

    You're probably better off letting the heater warm it up rather than pouring boiling water in.
  8. Really? They burn that little? That's not bad at all. My wimpy little 4 banger car burns only about a third less than that.
  9. I'd thought "Bit the sticks into the tank and stops fish from getting sucked in" was a pretty clear description on Sam's part.
  10. Most people make the mistake of thinking a dog is dumb when it's actually quite intelligent, it just doesn't want to do what the stupid owner wants.
  11. I don't think Malamutes are considered a giant breed, they're just a large breed. She's not hard at all to handle...Well...At least she can't drag me around. Just yell at her and thump her on the head and she looks like she's going to cry. Of course, I pat her harder than I have to smack her... Heh. When it was snowing I went out and grabbed some snow, she barked at me and ran off to hide.
  12. She's not that big. Only 45 kg.
  13. She love snow, she was running around chasing snowballs and rolling in it. First time she saw snow was about 2 years ago when we took her to Mt Lyeford. She immediately jumped in the snow and started skidding around in it and eating it. On the way home we stopped and let her have a run on a beach somewhere north of Kaikoura. She thought, "Oh cool! Grey snow!" And tried to eat it...She decided she doesn't like the taste after one mouthful.
  14. There was probably about 7-8mm more after I took this pic. Censored to protect the wifey who might not be impressed with me posting a picture of her in her bathing suit...
  15. We had 25mm of snow here last night. (I measured it)
  16. Ira


    Anything you put in a corner, as long as it stays there for 24 hours, will make a full circuit around the world.
  17. If they grow up to a sellable size can I have a couple to put in my tetra tank?
  18. Ira

    Over 300 watts?

    It's all really a matter of the dimensions of the tank, the glass thickness and the temperature of the room. Well, and probably if you have a lid on it or not. I think Jager's rating assumes a MUCH warmer room than the average crap insulated, crap heated drafty NZ house over the winter. And also more optimistic than most other heater companies too.
  19. Ira


    And probably a big tank. There's a reason they're usually kept in cups because it's hard to have a lot of them without putting them in their own little itty bitty tanks.
  20. I don't see how only using a shotgun instead of a rifle would help keep it from happening again, if anything a rifle should make it easier to be more selective. Takahes just look like ugly pukekos to me anyway.
  21. Actually, I've seen marine tanks like that...I think they actually look a lot cooler than a normal marine tank.
  22. Ira

    Over 300 watts?

    Most undergravel heating cables are fairly low power. Not going to work if you need more than 50-100 watts. And they're certainly not going to be more efficient at heating than a standard submersible.
  23. Don't forget the zig chip for greater justice on the NAND circuit.
  24. How big are your balzani and sajicas? I can't find much info on the balzanis, but I'd have thought the sajicas should grow to be more than big enough and the few pics of balzanis I've found they look to be a pretty good size fish. Or are they just too small now?
  25. I vote B. I don't see why you can't put most of those cichlids in with the ornate.
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