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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Closet, cabinet, dick smith, computer power supply, Das Verboten T site, local electrical supply shop...
  2. You can almost guarantee it. Many crimes are committed by specific segments of the population. By far the most common arsonist is a 13-16 year old white male for example. Criminal profiling is an interesting study...
  3. What do you mean, "can't open up any attachments in windows mail?" What happens when you try?
  4. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Kinda ghetto, but should work 12v power supply and a couple PC case fans should work. Wood. Might be worth stopping by your local hydroponic weed supply shop and see if they have an appropriate sized reflector. BTW, I'm assuming it's single ended MH, a double ended you'll also need to figure out how to put some UV blocking glass around the light.
  5. What parts are you looking for? I think I still have 1-2 of them, they do not have impellers/shafts or impeller covers and the pump heads are there but faulty.
  6. I have, iirc three 404s that no longer work out of 4 in the last 7 or so years. So far they're losing out to CF1200s in reliability...
  7. You mean the mosquito larvae or the mosquito pupae?
  8. But then, I've had a 6 hour power outage, let the filter turn back on when the power came back, next morning 50 or so tetras were dead.
  9. When cooling water there is a relatively linear relationship between energy removed and drop in temperature. Until you hit freezing point, then, while you remove energy the temperature does not actually drop. The loss in energy comes from changing the structure of the water to one with a lower energy state, that being ice. The more energy you remove the higher the ratio of liquid water to solid water. That's slush. Adding the salt essentially causes the water to turn from solid to liquid, but it has the same total amount of heat energy in it which requires that the temperature drops. Or another way to look at it, turning the ice into water costs "heat" which means the solution becomes cooler. Roughly, I'm sure a chemist would argue about the exact semantics and processes, but good enough for Jr. high level chemistry.
  10. I tore down a tank and threw them all into another tank with 9" south american cichlids just to stop the bloody things from breeding. I lost count of how many of the brats I sold somewhere around 200 and I think I sold many more after that still. Horrible invasive overbreeding little pests. :lol:
  11. Bulldog went over the mountain, Bulldog went over the mountain Bulldog went over the mountain, to ski what he could ski.
  12. Aggression or mating display, I think it was. The other surinamensis that he was displaying to was a male, but it still could have been a mating display given my tanks long history of homosexual fish.
  13. I've seen a surinamensis go from silver with greenish highlights to light tan with black stripes and then back over the course of a few minutes. So, yeah, some can dramatically and quickly change their colors. Not as dramatic or quick as say cuttlefish, but definitely noticable.
  14. You clearly didn't have any clown loaches or anything or you'd have heard "NEEEEEMMOOOOOOO"
  15. I hope you've had a cheeseburger for dinner, Silva....
  16. Let's see... Plec's usually hide most of the time. Blue Jack Dempseys tend to hide a bit. Black knifes usually hide most of the time. So, basically you have a tank full of relatively shy fish and one bully. So, yeah, I think it's a good chance the rainbow shark is just making the others hide more.
  17. And yet, they can still be trained not to attack birds. Mine are nicely terrified of ours.
  18. On a slightly different path, I had a toyota owners manual that said, "If car is being not runing you should being calling toe truck."
  19. Also pearl gouramis or bristlenoses.
  20. Hehe, A little bit of freezer burn isn't going to kill the fish.
  21. Just chop it up, it's good.
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