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Everything posted by Ira

  1. That's my preferred option for people that suggest using them on peoples pets.
  2. I'm still not convinced that it's a majano just from that picture. I had a small leather frag that looked identical to that when it was a little unhappy and the frills on the polyps hadn't opened yet. And majanos seem to tend more towards greeny with bulgy tentacles.
  3. All my tanks have a "Wall and hoses behind them" background.
  4. Ira

    Tell me something

    No, it turns into a prick...
  5. Ira

    Tell me something

    Hmmm...The bristleworms I've been bristled by didn't cause any numbness.
  6. Ira

    2nd filter ideas

    No such thing as overkill and it will be 100 times better than any internal filter you can get.
  7. Your icecubes sink? You made them with ice 9? You idiot! You've killed us all! click here if you don't get the joke Try more ice, less worm so it floats.
  8. Ira

    2nd filter ideas

    Yup, I second the CF1200.
  9. Hahaha, Yeah, I got a good telling off from the wifey when she put a baby brineshrimp ice cube in her drink...
  10. If you think it's something like a toadstool leather, then yes it probably is what you think it is.
  11. Ira

    Tell me something

    You're not a board. The fishroom is a board, you are not. :lol:
  12. Ira

    DIY Metal Halide?

    Try yellowpages.co.nz
  13. In a heavily disclaimered in general, yes you can. The worms that cat wormers are used to treat are very closely related to the worms that sometimes infect fish so are susceptible to the same treatments. The only real question mark is dosages.
  14. Yeah, but trout make the government money and the fishing hobbyists(Rather than fish hobbyists)spend more money.
  15. Sure you can keep them, but it's something like up to$100,000 and/or 5 years jailtime if you get caught.
  16. OMG! Bird dogs! With wings, beaks and can talk! I'd like to invest in this project.
  17. Probably not ideal to use the dietary suggestions from omnivorous, primarily herbivorous bird for a carnivorous one.
  18. If it's good enough for my bird to do with me, it's good enough for me to do with the bird, right? Puke chicks seem to be especially good at trying to get themselves "rescued" by people. Was at the RC plane field a couple years ago when a little chick went waddling across the strip, past a couple of running planes towards a couple people then parked himself under another plane. Brave or stupid little guy, I'm not sure which.
  19. Newspaper ink is pretty much non toxic and has been for a long time. As long as he's not drinking straight ink he'll be fine.
  20. Mostly committed by mid 40s males on their wives who don't stay in the kitchen where they belong. Hahaha, I dunno. :lol:
  21. Stabbings, iirc tend to be committed more by 20 and up. "Kids/teens" tend more towards beatings, frequently in groups.
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