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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It's just that noone likes you.
  2. So, basically the symptoms are about the same as the common flus, the mortality rate is about the same, the infectiousness is about the same, the treatment is about the same and the recovery time is about the same. Where's this everyone is going to die pandemic that I was promised?!?! :evil:
  3. Usually new impeller and shaft. You can try bandaids like wrapping a bit of tape around the shaft to make it not rattle so much, but that's just temporary. Or you can just ignore it.
  4. Those kits are great, none of this stupid trying to match colors.
  5. I guess marine tanks handle their liquor better.
  6. I guess the only alternative, if the importers don't think they can sell the fish or whatever is to cough up the money to make it not a risk for them. I wouldn't imagine it would be more than a few thousand dollars to import a few dozen fish if you do that...
  7. Red tails have a significantly worse reputation than black sharks.
  8. I have yet to have one of my fishtanks hit the ground at 60mph.
  9. You come pick him up, you can have him.
  10. Ira

    uv filters

    But, btw, on a pond I think a big unit is a great buy. That's because green water is basically THE issue with ponds and many of the solutions, like filling it up with plants kind of cause the same problem of lower visibility.
  11. It won't kill any more severums! And it was intended to be in a tank with half a dozen full grown SA cichlids to dissipate any aggression. That didn't really work out...
  12. Ira

    uv filters

    Expensive, only usefull for greenwater and there are usually significantly cheaper ways of fixing that. So...Yeah, high cost, minimal usefulness.
  13. But, black sharks are nicer looking.
  14. I don't see why not. Polystyrene is pretty uneffected by rain. Sun damage would be the big concern, but it's not as if it's going to be structural anyway.
  15. Yeah, it's just a bit of a step up. For one, lorikeets can make you bleed...A macaw can take your fingers off. Also, if you have a breeding pair they'll no longer be pets.
  16. Good luck, someone comes up with this idea every month or two and I can only think of 1-2 in the last 10 years or so that have actually done it. And several of the companies running quarantine facilities have closed them down because they're too expensive. You need to build a quarantine facility and get it licensed, costs will be in the $30K+ range. Do a search on the website for quarantine facility or importing, there should be heaps of threads with more specifics.
  17. Also different materials and colors will radiate slightly more or less infrared at the same temperature. So you could have two materials of identical temperatures and one can appear slightly warmer.
  18. Err, nicer option than what? Black sharks are labeos.
  19. Also keep the receipt out of hot cars. Most use some kind of heat activated ink imbedded in the paper. My car has a center console full of black reciepts.
  20. They woud, but it's not really an issue, if it's producing at a rate of 300 watts in the heater element then heat is going to go into the water at a rate of 300 watts, there's nowhere else for it to go.
  21. Dear black shark: If you even look at another one of the fish in the tank you're getting a trip to the freezer. The two adult green severums and polypterus you've killed over the last year or so are worth more than you are. :evil:
  22. Oily surface is pretty common. But I had a 4"ish green terror die once that had only been dead overnight and the surface of the water was covered with scum and the wierdest thing was there were a couple dozen pea sized transparent orange oily blobs floating around just under the surface.
  23. I think I should add to the list of annoying ads...That stupid "When will you die?" ad on some websites that makes an annoying laughing noise whenever you accidentally move your mouse across it. Assuming that hasn't been mentioned yet.
  24. I don't think most people manage 2 weeks per bag unless they're in a small well insulated house and don't use it much. Most people I've heard from seem to manage more like 1-2 bags a week. Which would still be a huge improvement on convenience vs hauling in a wheelbarrow load of logs each day.
  25. Ira

    Pond cleaners

    If you don't want to try to rig something up yourself you could try contacting a company that cleans rainwater tanks. When we had ours done they siphoned all the worst of the gunk out onto the ground but then had a petrol water pump that they fed through a filter to pump the rest of the tank water through a few times to clear up the last of the muck.
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