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Everything posted by Ira

  1. haha, So it's more than trademe it looks like.
  2. Huh...Last time I sold something on Trademe I think it was still a flat $.50 or something.
  3. The one on the left is plotting something.
  4. A glass is just a widemouthed bottle.
  5. The extremely rare siamese fighting pistol shrimp.
  6. Seriously...Bought 12 from Animates when they had a 6 for $36 deal(Or something like that) all but 4 were dead in 2 days.
  7. Wouldn't lower temperatures make them hypo? I'd expect higher temperatures to make them hyperactive due to increasing their metabolism, not decreasing their activity levels like you say.
  8. I wait about the 5 seconds it takes me to pull it out.
  9. Ira

    baby brine shrimp

    Until about 10 seconds after I poured them into my cichlid tank. :lol: I don't know, a few weeks.
  10. Ira

    baby brine shrimp

    I found I had the most success growing them by not feeding them. I had my coke bottle hatching BBS in a bucket of water with a heater in it to keep the bottle at the right temp. I strained the bbs out through a net and apparently some slipped through the net into the bucket. They seemed to grow quite happily in the bucket.
  11. I think it's more a sign of being a parrot.
  12. A cannister would be best. Something like a Aqua one CF1200.
  13. Ira

    Best Cichlid

    Can I get your mother's phone number? We need to have a chat about how badly she muddled up giving you the birds and the bees talk...
  14. Just saw this that reminded me of this thread... http://imagechan.com/images/a61b3cdeee6905880074025a643a2436.jpg
  15. Nah, you just need to plug into one of these...
  16. Ira


    No, you don't have to seal it, that would defeat most of the purpose of the rock. Yes, it's generally best to soak it for at least a few weeks, I think a couple months with frequent water changes is common.
  17. And yet, some of us get told off for correcting blatant errors!
  18. Some of your comma complaints are actually style differences. In many places in a list there is a comma before the and in the last item of a list. This serves to differentiate between items in the list that are combined or items that are just members of the list such as the above example.
  19. I don't have nearly that much body hair.
  20. Also, google something less gay than the Wiggles...
  21. Try turning your scroll lock off.
  22. I don't see why bare polystyrene would be a problem as long as any plecos or similar can't get to it and possibly scrape it off and eat it. I bet most of the plastics used in tanks are polystyrene anyway...
  23. Ira

    Average at Animates

    All while being paid minimum wage while probably having managers that say things like, "Why should I give them encouragement? I pay them don't I?"
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