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Everything posted by Ira

  1. http://c0389161.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/dyn/str_strip/359722.full.gif Plecos are newly discovered? :facepalm: Also, more than 28 years? While technically correct I don't think that adequately describes "About 29 MILLION years" :facepalm: Not sure why I read this comic.
  2. I got it from Pukerua bay.
  3. Ira

    Fluval Edge...

    I actually had a look at the chi yesterday because I was thinking it would be nice to have a little tank on my desk at work. I decided it was totally inappropriate for on a desk. Totally open, likely occasional splashes of water. It's more like a fountain/water feature than something you'd put on your desk.
  4. And the man hours constructing the prefabbed components.
  5. Is that magnitude 9 with a very shallow epicenter directly below the building? Or 50 miles away and deep? 200 miles? Magnitude is worthless for comparing building stress. 2 days to build the building, 12 months to get permits, 24 months to build the tooling to construct the prefabbed parts.
  6. Salifert is usually considered the best.
  7. There is decapped that you can hatch though. Apparently higher hatch rate.
  8. He must get really whakt off at you for that.
  9. I'd give it another week or two before worrying. You've still got a month or two before it starves to death.
  10. Ira

    Giant danios sick

    Judging from mine I'd say gentle cruising is a symptom, frantic swimming is normal.
  11. I thought it took a day or two for the yeast to start breeding start producing well? Not less than 5 hours to be depleted.
  12. That's why all the african cichlids are identical, just with different paintjobs.
  13. You probably won't have any luck getting kahawai from a salmon farm. They farm salmon. Kahawai aka australian salmon are not salmon. Entirely an different family.
  14. I thought snails, in general, preferred a little higher PH?
  15. If you can adjust the power supply voltage to about 13.5-14 volts and put in a resistor to decrease the current I suppose you might be able to.
  16. If you're drawing a lot of current, probably a little. But since you'll only be drawing a handful of amps I wouldn't bother. Here's a quick pic of my ghetto conversion. I opened it up, desoldered most of the wires inside except the 12v, soldered the power on wire straight to ground and just ran two wires up to the two bolts through the case. I use one of these: Charges lead acid, lithium polymer, nicad and nimh. It's getting pretty old now though.
  17. I've put a 50w 12v halogen on my psu that I use for charging batteries. At 5 volts it should only be drawing about 8 watts, so I can live with that little bit of wasted power. Without it though the 12v rail voltage drops to under 10 when you put even as low as a 1 amp load on it. You can even hear the psu's cooling fan slow down, hehehe.
  18. Ira

    dwarf puffer

    Brazilian puffers are probably the best of the dwarf puffers. They're supposed to be the least aggressive, but mine would still take out a tetra every month or so. But, I think he only got the weak and slow ones.
  19. Ah, got it. BTW, might be worth double checking the voltage of the 12v rail. In a lot of PC power supplies the 12v will sag quite a bit if you don't also load up the 5v rail. Since it sounds like it's working fine I don't think that's a major issue though.
  20. You mean a 12v halogen? They're usually pretty poor efficiency compared to fluoros. Something in the 20 lumens per watt range vs 80 for fluoros and probably similar for the leds. The single line off the PSU should be able to easily handle the tiny little 3 amp draw of a 35w bulb.
  21. Ira


    *GASP* You took an invasive destructive introduced exotic species out of wild and killed it? Don't let the government know, they'll be upset with you.
  22. Not all dogs need lots of space to run around in. Mine only needs about 1 meterX .5meter. Though, she'll quite happily run around like an idiot in much more.
  23. Ira

    dwarf puffer

    Yes, they can be. Very. That's assuming you mind finding tetras with their tails bit off and throats bit out occasionally.
  24. Ira


    :lol: :lol: :lol:
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