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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. get rid of flying foxes they will outgrow that tank. But looks great and what happened to the grass stuff?
  2. will by monday hopefully but wont be planted for a while
  3. yup I will put some of the filter wool from my other tank to help cycle it? oh and I forgot to ask before, The filter only came with black sponge pads in each chamber should I replace one with other media?
  4. same thing happened to my head and tail light tetra. my only theory is thecatfish ate it.
  5. Theres only one self contained ecosystem I know of and It's called the Earth!
  6. just as a question fattythekatty did you have a ghost angel fish that died by getting stuck under a rock with a clown loach?
  7. Cheesejawa

    Hello all.

    I could see it yesterday.
  8. my honey gouramies keep my snails under control as they seem to be very good at seeking and destroying the eggs.
  9. It really means nothing as you could be have had your whole life keeping fish but only just joined but some people use them as status symbol. Not me though, dam I want two stars hehehe :lol:
  10. Cheesejawa


    guppies are very easy to sex males are small and have big colourful tails. females are big with small tails. simple as that.
  11. I have purchesed a new tank finally from inside oceans on trademe. It is 76x38x38 so thats ruffly 110 litres. I have a few quick questions before the actual glass tank is here today and the stand is built in the week end (hopefully). Heres a run through of the set up Set up filter: aqua one internal 104f http://www.petplanet.co.nz/shopping/pgm-more_information.php?id=135&=SID heater: aqua one 200watt http://www.petplanet.co.nz/shopping/pgm-more_information.php?id=3&=SID Lighting: again aqua one 61cm 2x20 watt light hood http://www.petplanet.co.nz/shopping/pgm ... d=137&=SID does this sound good to you and does anyone have any personal experience with these products. for substrate im going to "borrow" some nice grey round pepple like gravel from the local park. I do not want to have that yellowly white coloured gravel that you buy in pet shops or the dyed fluero stuff. I do not know that type of stone it is. Do you think this would be safe for a fish tank? Also Im planning on doing plants so do you think I need a fert? because petplanet did n ot have it in stock so i didnt buy it then. Fish for fish I was think down the angels, tetras and cories path. Im was planning on cycling the tank with my 2 danios from the other tank and 5 or so black phantoms. heres my final stocking plan 2 angel fish scarlae probably 6-10 black phantom tetras 5-6 sterbai or peppered cories and maybe 2 smaller peacefull cichlids if they can fit eg. kribs, rams, keyholes. Does this sound like a good stocking plan? Plants maybe some of trademe at the start and just add as I go i would like though Hygro ploysperma: back ground Ludwiga repens: edges Jave fern (Microsorum pteropus): on rocks dwarf sag (Sagittaria subulata): foreground I thinks that all I have to cover so can people please tell if my tank plann sounds ok?
  12. i hope this doesent offend any of you marine people but I think marine tank are boring, they all look the same. Plus I think that some corals look creppy with weird brain shapes and fluero colours. With freshwater is much more fexible and you can do things like aquascaping, biotypes and breeding. Plus It cost you a whole lot less. The only thing I think is better about marine is shrimp, freshwater shrimp are obviously not very avalible and they are so cool, I envy you marine people with the awesome shrimp but pity you that you spent thousands on thier tank. Just being a bit contraversial.
  13. no, no and no and why did you ask on salt waterb forum ask in repitiles and anphipbians and you will get more replies.
  14. oh. that looks fully stocked then
  15. y those numbers in particular, have you had a long time planning it?
  16. oh and the same thing with glowlights too
  17. neons cannot be kept with angels. thats all i can see wrong with it.
  18. Cheesejawa


    yup thats definetly a krib not a ram. AWSOME BETTA!!! never one with colours like that before wow!
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