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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. great fish, love the festivum
  2. dixon you seen to be a bit of an expert, where do you find them?
  3. just did a google and found they are very sensitive to ammonia, PH and oxegenation. Nothing specific about were to find them though.
  4. dam but still would be cool to have some shrimp, And why does MAF not allow them, they would pose no threat to NZ enviroments.
  5. i would like to know also, Those shrimp you see on american websites are awesome.
  6. My java fern does not seem to be held to the driftwood that it is held on to by thread. Are rubberbands safe to use in aquariums or do they leech chemicals? How long does java fern take to attach?
  7. Cheesejawa


    I thought you were the first person to use the forum so you cant possibily have ever been a newbie to anyone.
  8. I emailed pet planet last night but they have not replied yet. Is this the right email? [email protected]
  9. I not would not go for fluvals as they are one of most expensive.
  10. Thanks I will email petplanet tomorrow. I am considering a hailea internal or a aquaone canister filter.
  11. Cheesejawa


    what ever you do though do not spray paint it, It eats away at it fast.
  12. opps screwy internet, The last one is the good one please delete the others. Also are hailea filters noisy and are they as big and bulky as the aquaones?
  13. I am not impressed by the aquaone, On the box it says 'Quiet and efficent' but makes a loud humming noise. Also the suction cups cannot stop the filter from falling into the substrate and when you go to take the filter off the glass they become dettached from the filter and have to be pushed back in. Is this the brand and type of filter you mean? And I hope it will be fine for my 110 litre http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 383524.htm Also I dont really want to have it refunded until I have got a new filter because I Want to set up the tank. Will they still refund it if it is used?
  14. i have found thier posts on here but the filter has seemed to fixed it's self
  15. no you just use thier website.
  16. Update. I am fed up with this filter, the suction cup is fine now but the filter is now making a loud humming noise. Anyone know how to this this or how to contact petplanet?
  17. i cannot return as I bought from petplanet. but now it's in the water it sticks but whole thing keeps sliding down. It is now proped up wth a rock. thanks
  18. On my new aqua one 104F internal filter one of the suction cups dosent seem to stick, causing the whole thing to fall down into the substrate. I am going to try it with water or try to prop it up with rocks. Does anyone know what to do are have any suggestions? I need to what to do soon as the tank needs to be set up tomorrow.
  19. Can you tell which plants you have and where you got them?
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