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  1. Hi, I am wondering if Blue or Bolivian Rams would be able to hold there own against a school of marauding Tiger barbs in a 180lt well planted community tank? Not a huge tank I know but it will be well planted with plenty of hiding places and not overly populated as my main focus will be the plants. I love Tiger barbs but am very keen on Bolivian Rams as well... Any advice?
  2. AquaMax

    Juwel Heaters

    Mariner heaters...any thoughts?
  3. AquaMax

    River rocks

    Cool, thanks all I did want to know if they were suitable for an aquarium...I was just going about it the hard way lol :oops: They are pretty plain looking but thats just what im after.
  4. That is probably because people have cross bred the different colour strains. While its not the end of the world, its not ideal either...
  5. Hi, yeah sorry it did say Blenheim...ill fix that :-?
  6. AquaMax

    River rocks

    Hi, Can anybody from around he Marlborough region tell me what type of rock it is that makes up the Wairau river bed?
  7. Yip its all good to breed both varietys together.The fry will almost certainly be a mix of both. Infact breeding a pair of the normal strain still produce fry of both varietys. The pair I started with produced both everytime without fail.
  8. I thought I had better say g'day as im prob going to be sniffing around here for a while! After a 5 or 6 year spell from fish keeping ive gone and got myself a 200l tank and decided to get back into it....Im still unsure why I stopped in the first place lol :roll: Back in the day I had a few tanks and started out breeding Convicts (my first cichlid) and then reared a few Kribs,Silvertip tetras and Bronze Corydoras.I gave them all to my local garden centre and regretfully packed it in. I dont consider myself a total noob,its just been so long that I now have to start learning everything again :oops: I plan on trying my hand with plants and mainly Dwarf cichlids and see how we go from there. Anyway awesome site you guys have here and look forward to many a fishkeeping adventure lol Cheers, Karl. 8)
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