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Everything posted by firefish

  1. firefish

    Hatching BN eggs

    I took the eggs away on the 2nd spawn. He still looks after the eggs of all the following spawns (he's on a batch atm:) ) For breeding tips, do you feed courgette? it seemed to get mine to start. Does your female look like she's full of eggs?
  2. firefish

    Hatching BN eggs

    I've put my gbas in a container with a airstone when they were eggs. It went well, but I would recommend that you let your male do the raising the first time (or he might learn to be a bad dad)
  3. Their systems are probably different but i give my cats leftover yohgurt when i have the pottles (they lick out the leftovers) And they love it:)
  4. Eastland Aquariums - Gisborne was definitly open in jan when i was there
  5. Cool. thanks for telling me. I'll go and raise the temp
  6. If I was DNA helicase i'd unzip your genes
  7. I've had my guppies drop 20 babies today! Which is awesome (I got them a month ago) All of them are female tho. The temp is 25C. Should I raise or drop the temp?
  8. firefish

    Blue ram???

    I've heard that if a female is of breeding age her tummy will be red. Not sure if there are any other differences
  9. firefish

    Blue ram???

    oh ok, so its probably not a hybrid? (in the sense of crossing 2 diff species)
  10. firefish

    Blue ram???

    I've just recently got 4 blue rams, but on a closer inspection, i've noticed that one looks different to the others (other than some having a red belly and some not) Is this one still a blue ram? its sparkly blue like the others (didn't show up in the pics) but has pattern all the way down its body. The one in question: One othe the others: the difference is mre subtle in real life, its just the continuance of the black thats the main difference.
  11. thats really sad My fingers are crossed for her. She's absoultly beautiful. Everytime my cats have to have an operation I worry about them until they get home and I know they're safe.
  12. for the cave - I use a coconut shell. i've heard it needs to be a cave that has one entrance . I'd just leave them to them selves once you get a good cave for them and wait for them to breed, cos once they start breeding, you'll soon have way too many!
  13. A shop told me not to float the bag, but I did it anyway not seeing what could go wrong. That was a few weeks ago and none of the fish have died.
  14. I got to see stella's tanks yesterday and I was very impressed, and definitly recomend going on the tank crawl - its well worth it
  15. ok... 2 different opinions :-? Maybe I'll try decap first cos it just means buying the decap.. not a hatchery etc.
  16. I'm wanting to feed my baby GBAs and killies some brine shrimp. But which form (decap or hatched) will the gbas eat easier?
  17. Since I'm on study leave, the cold isn't bothering me too much But I have an exam tommorrow :evil: and one the next day :evil: :evil: so I'm sure I'll find out about the frost thats out there in the morning...
  18. Thanks tinytawnykitten for bringing down the killies they're settling in to their tank well.
  19. sorry I don't know anything about that filter, but if it is noisy you will get used to it I've got some in my bedroom, and now its hard to get to sleep without a waterfall next to me! lol
  20. firefish

    Breeding Ideas.

    You could make a cave out of a coconut heres a thread about it : http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt25479.html?start=0 I now use the hole in the top idea for breeding my gbas.
  21. I had 2 male zebra finches with a female budgie and a male budgie in an avery smaller that the one you've got. And they got on fine. I had a couple of bengalese finches in my room and they were awesome I also had budgies in my room and every morning they would yell at the top of their lungs! shortly after many mornings of that I moved them to another room
  22. cool, that would be awesome! I've hardly seen natives :oops: I'll pm you now
  23. I'm going up to palmy on the 26th of june till the 28th of june (so I'll be there for 3 days) to visit my sister. And I thought cos I'll get sick of shopping, it would be cool if my sister and I could get to see some of the palmy peoples tanks But theres a location restriction unforunatly, I don't have access to a car, so if your in walking distance (can be 30 mins away, I don't mind) from ferguson st (the part thats near victoria ave) and you don't mind having some one to look at your tank it would be great Or if your close to wetpets, i'll be going there too
  24. I've kept a fighter with glassbloodfins, it worked out quite well
  25. Heres some macro pics that my dad took: The fisrt 3 are of an awesome male giraffe weevil, we found it in our house, it was dehydrated, so we kept it for my sisters insect collection (dead one unfortunatly) we kept it for 2 weeks until it died I like how the little haors are visible on its snout thing I hate these catepillars, but this photo is quite detailed: And a fishy one that i took Its really helpful having a dad with photo skills:)
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