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Everything posted by firefish

  1. firefish


    I'm about to introduce my male GBA to my new female! I was just wondering if anyone could give me any tips for helping to breed them. I have 1 tunnel, 2 caves and one more on the way. And is it best to leave the parents to raise the babys or should I try to raise them myself? I've got catfish in the same tank, would they attempt to eat the potential babys?
  2. I was cleaning out my tank tonight and I saw a little 1cm baby bronze catfish! This is my first fishy baby so I feel like a proud parent One of the eggs must have survived in the tank and it hatched without me noticing When I get a photo (which will be in a week ir so) I'll post it here
  3. I've finally finished my exams!!! No more school!! (apart from Prize giving) Stats went alright - I left 1 hr early :oops: and did most questions...
  4. I got one more - stats - tomorrow I can't wait to beable to stop studying!!!
  5. this fish seems to like the angels:
  6. As I was looking throught my fish photos that i've taken I noticed this one and thought some people might enjoy it :lol:
  7. ecology is basically about the environment and all the factors that effect the animals... there might have been more to it but i did it last year and thats all I remember!
  8. ecologys always hard!! luckily you won't have to do it next year...
  9. Wilson - how did you find 3.7?
  10. You still have to learn stuff using the calc tho... very hard to learn which buttons to push!!! lol
  11. i've got 2 left as well. English was real hard During the yr i've been getting borderline achieves so I hope the marker is feeling nice when they get to mine... I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind twice yesterday so the quotes would just fall into my head! lol and it worked!
  12. just did my firest exam today! For the little study I did it went quite well :lol: Fortunatly the right essay questioins came up so I was lucky
  13. firefish

    Air Pump

    I did this too (can't remember what brand my air pump is) but I used a sock and it truely works dulling any extra sound.. so all you will hear are the bubbles occasianally
  14. My teacher tried to incorporate food in stats as much as possible 8) For Prob distributions we had hokey pokey icecream, something about how many hokey pokey bits were in each helping... Then we had M&Ms for something else, and got to measure (and eat) chippies to prove some other point... and of course we tried the whole 'don't qutie understand what we did.. can we do it again?'
  15. its the way to memorise the frst 20 elements on the periodic table - we learnt that back in 4th form!
  16. Since I wanna be a teacher it will actually be helpful
  17. But can you remember it long term? it would be good when the subject doesn't apply in later life... maybe i'll do it 4 english
  18. I used to think that I never wanted to leave school ..that it would be scary and all that.. but now i''m really ready to leave
  19. cool thats what I heard too.. its a pity they don't let us take anything more than 80 that we get
  20. thats lucky... I have always been told that someone would need 100 credits to get the 20 to put over to the next year.. if thats true u'll have to work hard next year! Luckily I got well over 100 last year so I only really need 6 credits to pass .. but more to get UE.. and more to pass each subject. What have you heard about the passing over of credits?
  21. i do too, but if i don't i don't mind and it won't effect my uni entrance how many credits do you guys have? i've got 54
  22. I'll be going to vic doing a BSc (Cell bio, plants, animals, geology, stats,begginers french(i've done french in 6th form so shall be easy 8) and 2 psych papers) This year I got stuck doing english cos I dropped german and french and I've hated English... only need 4 more credits to pass it so unfortunatly I have to pass 2 essays (last yr I only passed 1 out of 3!)
  23. I'm starting to realise how little time there is left Only 2 days till history, 100 yrs of history to learn! Then I only have 1 day and its english (thats after history) Then 3 days till bio and only 1 day to study Stats but its all on the calculator (well achieved is) My bit of advice to all you yr 12s is do Stats !!!! it is soooo easy.. basiucally a class on how to use your calc! well achieved but merits easy too 8) Stayed up to 12 last night learning vocab...
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