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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. Hi Warren did you get the E-mail I sent? Jim.
  2. Awesome pics Luke* and good luck with the brood.
  3. They like digging under rocks or use caves for breeding and they are fine with all the fish I have had in with them however they are very territorial when breeding and will chase even the largest of fish from where the fry are grazing. They are a must for any community tank imo. (size of other fish permitting).
  4. Maybe it was playing tag with the Arrowana.
  5. Wouldn't onions make the fish cry and to counteract maybe use no2 instead of c02 ?
  6. jim r

    Neons M.I.A

    I once lost 40 neons which were in a tank with angels and they most definitely got eaten.
  7. It is at the ASB showgrounds 217 Greenlane West Epsom E-mail [email protected] Tel: 095256999
  8. I will attend but do not need accomodation,should be fun if it happens.
  9. My flying foxes are brilliant they never stop and they cleared my tank in less than 2 weeks. My tanks are lit from 6.45am till 11pm and I have no algae probs.
  10. I feed them to my angels.
  11. girls are always right Ihave yet to meet one who isn't.
  12. That is a very nice looking tank Angus.
  13. jim r

    Yay... New Post

    no bath tub outside so I usually take a shower under the leaky drainpipe :lol: However I do have 2 x 180 litre plastic drums do they count?
  14. I use stale bread and reduce it to a powder which dissappears pretty quick. To remove them I use an old sausage stick as they tend to cluster around the sides just like Pegasus said.I then put them into a jar filled with aquarium water and drain into a flour sieve (to remove any potting mix) then dangle the sieve in the tank till worms have been eaten.
  15. Hi Fishy_lips I am amazed you did not get a slap across the head for that one. Maybe have to get a second computer too.
  16. jim r

    hatchet fish

    Hi Supasi why not contact Brooklands on the net or even give them a ring.Also Wetpets in P/north. I would be extremely surprised if they did not have any.
  17. jim r

    Hi guys

    Hi Karly sounds like your settling in very nicely. Enjoy the ride.
  18. I don't use carbon either just regular water changes.
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