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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. extremely nice fish but I do not know enough to be able to tell what strain they are I would suggest contacting Discusguru.
  2. jim r

    Snails : (

    something in one of my tanks must be eating them because I had heaps and they have now all dissappeared I have narrowed it down to either the flying foxes or bala sharks can't think of any other reason they would just vanish.
  3. rainbow sharks are usually less aggressive than rtb's.
  4. It needs a little something extra like a jagged edged can or broken beer bottle for the fishies to play around with.
  5. me too, and thanks Angus.
  6. Fish fingers $4.99 2xtins tuna(spring water)@$1.99 $3.98 fresh fish @$8.99kilo $5.99 1xtin of fish paste $1.99 total: $16.95 change from $20 $$3.05 thankyou for your custom. This is the sort of behaviour why other countries have introduced trollies that need a deposit! Nice one Caryl but i'm not sure if it is healthy to laugh so much this early in the morning. (I think I woke the neighbours). :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. I had heaps of that black fluffy algae( blackbeard I think it is called) in one of my tanks and I bought what I think are a couple of flying foxes (advertised as in lfs) and it all dissappeared within two weeks.
  8. I need 1 too so if anyone can help I would be grateful (we have no model shops in Taupo). Sorry Angus did not mean to steal your thread.
  9. jim r


    Hi Fishtv lots of friendly/ helpful folk on this site.
  10. jim r

    java moss

    yes I have a cold water tank sitting in the garage and the Java moss in it is thriving.
  11. Try " AGE OF AQUARIUMS" it is a good all round site with a colour photo list and a few members comments you might find something on there. Have just googled and could only find electric yellow,do you know the scientific name?
  12. Yeah Evil that is the company but the phamflet claims it consists of live naturally occuring nitrifying and spore-forming bacteria, clears green water,non toxic and not a chemical. I do not know what geo liquid is Frenchy but this stuff is a clear liquid. I have been told that Rotorua council have trialled it and are going to put it into the lake.(don't know if that is true) might keep an eye on this one.
  13. It claims to be completely natural but does not say what is in it (sample bottle)
  14. Anyone heard of this product ? Picked it up at the local vet. Claims to: Remove NH3, NO2 and purifies water. There is also a saltwater version.
  15. I was lucky enough to meet and speak to this wonderful couple this is sad news indeed , my heart felt condolences go out to Mr Peter Cottle.
  16. Robert did not get e-mail but if you pm me with your address and physical size of meter ( for 3/4" ) I will send a self addressed courier package and cheque to you,thanks Jim.
  17. Robert I have pm'd you about the water meter.
  18. 2 flying foxes cleared my tank in less than 2 weeks of all algae growing on plants and substrate.
  19. Hi Paul I would have loved to come but unfortunately my wife has a works party same day. By the way managed to score a 2.4x600x600 tank (damaged) needs the base replacing so now looking for a piece of glass 2.4x600x10mm. Jim.
  20. Not sure what you mean Joze.
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