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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. I also have this problem in one of my tanks, what is the cause ?
  2. jim r


    Hi Alan they are not for sale. (got my glass, hope I don't break it.)
  3. jim r


    Is anybody selling Otto's if so could you please pm with price. Thanks.
  4. UK 15 gallons=68.19L US 15 gallons=56.775L
  5. Are visitors welcome ? If yes I will try to get there.
  6. No he did not swim there he was not sucked under by the filter which means either it died of natural causes or your tank parameters are not right.
  7. Good luck Gannet. (have fun AND LEARN)
  8. Aged water change at the same temp or pm Discus Guru promptly. Do not add "cures " indiscriminately.
  9. There are a few variables,light ,temp,water hardness,ph, depth. I suggest you google the names of your plants to find if they are suitable to the conditions you have.Or Pm Plantman he may be able to help you.
  10. If you send via nzc take fish to depot as late as possible and arrange reciever to pick up early next morning you should have no probs. Cost approx. $26 every 5kg or .025cu metre.
  11. I once new a guy who bred 1000,s of Discus and regularly removed the eggs. Also Jack Wattley's handbook of Discus has a section on artificial hatching and raising.
  12. You can get same day delivery from Akl to Rot with NZC
  13. Strange I know but I have found that the more I neglect Java fern the better it seems to do It even survived a winter outside in the frost with very limited light in a plastic bin with no filtration
  14. Hi fishandchips welcome to the site I am pretty sure there are quite a few experienced fish people out there who will help you with any and all queries you may have and then you really will be confused :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Is that driftwood or a prehistoric skeleton. (looks good).
  16. Hi Alan just got back on line sorry to hear about your accident and the loss of the spawning take care mate.
  17. not thought about it Luke cos i just moved into new house and probably going to take me a long time to get fish house up and running, all my fish are in 1 1.5x600x600 metre tank at present . So if you are ever down here call in there is always a cold one in the fridge.
  18. 3 gold nuggets, 14 corydoras.
  19. I only have 1 which got left behind from an earlier excursion it is very happy in a community tank however it follows my angel fish constantly and seems to be feeding off their bodies ?
  20. I have a via aqua and imo it is not as good as the fluval
  21. It must be good to be a free spirit mincie!
  22. My plants thrive on liquid ferts.
  23. Fish die it happens, if more die then maybe start getting concerned.
  24. Keep an eye on them they are not easy fish.
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