You are right that we should not discuss individuals on this thread but a little misguided in my opinion. The point of principle is the fact
that the law was broken,people were misled and hobbies put at risk and all for a few extra dollars. No doubt justice will be done and hopefully the dust will settle and the gentleman concerned will get down to the business of bettering the hobby in a ligitimate manner.As for the individual who claims to have smuggled tiger lotus into NZ he/she should feel ashamed of themselves for doing so, if it is true the only difference is they did not get caught or maybe the import laws have changed.
If you feel strongly about bettering the hobby (which I firmly believe you do)why not start a fund backed by the FNZAS of course and I for one would donate 50$ to kick it off. Maybe if enough people backed it we could do research and who knows we may end up with more choices.