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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. freshwater sits on top of saltwater (like the fiords in the South Island) I assume they just swim from one to the other.
  2. Could someone enlighten me to the difference between the following: noxious A noxious B banned unwanted organism thanks in advance jim.
  3. I certainly did sorry Alan must not forget priorities, but if next sunday is ok will see you then.Could you pm me with address and phone no please?
  4. Hi Alan I would like to buy some off you if only as an excuse to come view your set up any chance Sunday afternoon at say 2 o'clock? cheers Jim.
  5. If I went away for 5 days I probably would not be too concerned about feeding at all. Alternately I would invest in an automatic feeder. Was it the wild mollies? If so I will get you some more and send them down.
  6. As they say he who is without sin cast the first stone. Good on you Henry for coming online.
  7. You are right that we should not discuss individuals on this thread but a little misguided in my opinion. The point of principle is the fact that the law was broken,people were misled and hobbies put at risk and all for a few extra dollars. No doubt justice will be done and hopefully the dust will settle and the gentleman concerned will get down to the business of bettering the hobby in a ligitimate manner.As for the individual who claims to have smuggled tiger lotus into NZ he/she should feel ashamed of themselves for doing so, if it is true the only difference is they did not get caught or maybe the import laws have changed. If you feel strongly about bettering the hobby (which I firmly believe you do)why not start a fund backed by the FNZAS of course and I for one would donate 50$ to kick it off. Maybe if enough people backed it we could do research and who knows we may end up with more choices.
  8. jim r


    If you google 'malawi cichlids' you will find heaps of info.
  9. jim r


    There are many many types of cichlid which do you intend to keep?
  10. It wasn't the brightest of ideas selling them on trademe.
  11. wear safety gloves grinders can be dangerous
  12. another case of mts? Didn't take long. Hi and welcome.
  13. why can't you use a hacksaw?
  14. Hi! And so close to Wonderworld. Hope you got a fat wallet.
  15. or even put a few power filters in COS THAT IS WHERE MINE KEEP LAYING :evil: :evil: :evil: even though there are nice pieces of slate just for that purpose. (gotta laf cos these fish got me sussed).
  16. looks good bet you had fun doing it.
  17. That sounds like an awsome book I hope we can get here.
  18. jim r

    my expereince

    Inbreeding does cause probs in any direction you wish to wander (proven)
  19. I have never had fish that prefer dried tubifex, it was a different story with live tubifex but I don't think you can get it now.
  20. jim r

    Solar heating

    between cleaning/fridge/pruning/fridge/water changes/fridge/ and drooling this makes breeding a secondary consideration, the pleasure for me is looking at them, besides it would seem there is a certain gentleman on this site who breeds enough quality discus to go round.However a heat exchanger sounds like a possibility I will need to look into this. Also wondering if a generator back-up is a worthwhile investment ? thanks Alanmin.
  21. jim r

    Solar heating

    thanks Alan much appreciated.
  22. jim r

    Solar heating

    Thanks Alanmin I do intend to insulate the hell out of it and also considering pre-heating for water changes (was hoping to get s/ steel element for that ) I intend having at least 10 heavily planted tanks with appropriate lighting. Was wondering if solar heating pipes were made of copper and if so would it be sufficient to cause me problems as I intend having a few discus tanks. I am also considering a heat pump so if any of you guys can offer advice please do.
  23. jim r

    Solar heating

    looking for ways to heat my fishroom ( when finished ) any input on solar heating,or any other suggestions would be appreciated, thanks. jim.
  24. Sorry, from memory 2-3 years
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