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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. what reason would you fill a tank with distilled water please anyone ?
  2. I had a problem with green water and had to treat every few days I added a second filter and this cured it.
  3. close this site and go to aquarium help for tropical fishkeepers then click on orando this site may help you jim
  4. Well the journey was worth it cos the talk was interesting (but never going to India) and met a few more people, enjoyed the Pizza but missed the raffle prize by 1!!! Even though I was assured that I had the winning number. (sharn won) thanks guys. jim.
  5. can anyone tell me what sort of price a uv steriliser is? and how exactly does it work? thanks.
  6. kribs would be perfect to start they are hardy non aggressive except when protecting their breeding site and easily bred. Bolivian butterfly is another good example. jim
  7. the only thing to go wrong is the impeller and they are freely available for under 20$. So when you throw it away throw it my way.
  8. Hi just read your thread most plants sold in lfs are tropical and without knowing what it is can't really help have you had any progress on the subject? jim.
  9. enjoyed the show got to meet a few people and hope to meet a few more at the next one thanks guys.
  10. Piranha need a temp of about 75 and therefore would not survive in NZ waters seems strange that they are banned also their is always the fruit eating variety which grows quite large but quite harmless.
  11. jim r

    New PIKES!!!!

    You would find Mt Maunganui magnificent! Dunedin is home from home(even down to a castle) Nelson has the most sunshine. Just to mention a few but there are heaps of nice places it might pay to google some of the areas then ask more questions.
  12. I always have to syphon mine every time i clean it.
  13. would love to come over to HBAS and if I can get time I may do just that and furthermore if the nasties don't catch me i'll try to bring a few friends from the pond.It would be great to meet you guys but can't promise. cheers jim.
  14. tokaanu mollies : temp 72 ph7.3 and kh is 9 double checked with lfs and they agreed. Left water sample for more tests (hopefully).
  15. most of them looked quite dark and ordinary as if they had reverted back to their natural colouration but some had bright yellow flash down their backs, could be interesting.
  16. jim r

    New PIKES!!!!

    Sunderland is closer !!!!!!!!!!
  17. I've got 1 adult and it is about 2 inches
  18. Don't second guess it's more dangerous, if in doubt do water changes until more help arrives.
  19. Do any of you guys want wild mollies from Tokaanu? If I can catch them I'll bring them to the show in Masterton on Sunday.
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