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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. Problem with silica sand is the fact you need to wash and wash and wash umtil you are left with approx %50 to get rid of the finer dust particles. I now this from having done this with over 20 5Kg bags of the stuff. Also it is very dificult to keep clean despite people claiming their fish do the job for you.
  2. Spitting is not unusual with discus, but keep a watch on the shyness and "flashing".
  3. Could be flagellates. Is there any white stringy poo?
  4. There is no reason to have a heater in that tank and nor has it been mentioned. So was there a heater?
  5. can be very aggessive sometimes.
  6. The only concern I would have putting clowns with discus is the worry of whitespot.
  7. Oscars have great personality but chew on everything including the silicone holding the glass. :nfs:
  8. In my opinion yes. There are lots of other fish available to you from the same region.
  9. Severum and barbs originate from water with a ph of 6.5 bristlenose and kribs ph 7 most tap water is around 7.2 dropping to below 7 ( these fish would be fine together ) Most African cichlids prefer hard alkaline water with a ph above 8 for best results.
  10. Sounds a bit like swim bladder which can be caused by high nitrates. Feeding peas is supposed to help as a cure.
  11. HaHaHA! :facepalm: Mark you need to get a life and stop trolling the internet.
  12. There is a stream on the Napier-Taupo highway which feeds into lake Taupo where years and years and years ago someone introduced swordtails, parts of this stream are very overgrown. I have been to this stream but found nothing.
  13. jim r

    concrete caves

    You could also try using pumice rock as it is very easy to shape into a cave.
  14. Well done Sophia :thup: his middle name was Chestnut.
  15. River,tree,garden implement. Infamous Amercan is your clue.
  16. chlorine dissipates in minutes,( no need for conditioner if you let the water stand) however chloramine takes weeks, different scenario.
  17. Fully grown discus need between 30 /40 litres each. I suggest you contact Discusguru again he really IS an expert. But to keep so many in such a small amount of water is asking for trouble. You will need to do excessive amounts of water changes and check water parameters on a very regular basis. Also your opening line states that it is a 100L 60x45x45 sized tank.
  18. That tank is way too small for that many discus.
  19. jim r

    Test Kits

    The red test liquid is supposed to turn green but did not on any of my tanks or tap water or rainwater it just became a deeper and deeper red. I do regular water changes and I am fairly sure that tap water does not come out at over 2,000ppm.
  20. jim r

    Test Kits

    It is my GH test which concerns me as I could not get it to give me a reading no matter how many drops were used even on rainwater.
  21. jim r

    Test Kits

    Thanks for that Hamstar99 :gpo2:
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