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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Swordtail Fan

    Hi and Welcome. The snails are Red Ramshorns, I have them too, pesky things just seem to appear from nowhere!
  2. I started with six, now down to three, luckily one male, two females. I think the death rate after purchase is pretty high.
  3. Zev

    Word Association

    That's debatable. Irish
  4. Don't forget to put your location in your profile, too.
  5. That would be Flourish Excel, not straight Flourish. Flourish Excel in standard dosage will melt Riccia and Vallisneria. Double dosing is sometimes used to combat Black Beard Algae, but can be hard on some fish, someone may be able to elaborate on which fish in particular.
  6. Hi and welcome. Definite time wasters are fish, the hours just seem to slip away!
  7. Be careful putting Blue Rams into a newly setup tank, they are better put into a well matured tank. Alas, more patience required! Good to see you doing your homework first, too.
  8. Now all you have to do is enter them into the site database - after we have made it Wok-proof!
  9. The Guidelines were in the Welcome section, posted there by a previous administrator several years ago and recently updated in July of last year. They have now been removed from there and posted as a announcement. The Guidelines now form a Terms of Use and form part of the process of registering on this site, requiring you to agree to these terms before you can register, and abide by these rules if you wish to continue using the site. These terms are also viewable when you login manually into the site using the Login link at the top left of the default board style.
  10. What about Paratya curvirostris? http://www.nzfreshwater.org/crustacea.html
  11. Patience, Grasshopper... We have been working on something else at the moment.
  12. Native fish details can be found here... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=nativefish Sounds like you have the makings of an interesting pond!
  13. Zev

    'Nother Noob

    Hi, and welcome.
  14. Zev


    Hi Stray, and welcome to the forums.
  15. Zev

    killie eggs

    What sort of Killies are they?
  16. Zev


    A case in point - this was sold to me as Cryptocryne lutea. Straight from the LFS New leaves after three weeks in the tank, fuzzy pic is because of high water flow in tank. I also have lucens, but it has kept its original leaf shape from when I bought it.
  17. Nice pics Simon, I like the Glosso.
  18. Aww Barrie, don't like cat pictures, then? You didn't tell him that an article should go with the pictures as well?
  19. All Images are links, we do not allow uploading to the boards. The image size is 640 x 640px max
  20. With Imageshack, do you get the option to post the IMG tags, they start with http: instead of the ones that start with HTTP: or The IMG tags will allow the image to show in the post, rather than a link.
  21. Zev

    Goldfish newbie

    This one here: Click Preview before you click Submit to check if it works.
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