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Everything posted by Zev

  1. We had a situation where my Mother had an appointment with a doctor at the hospital, but she ended up with a locum, who scribbled some notes and did not send them on to a specialist as he said he would. After a couple of months of no reply from the specialist, my Mother was becoming concerned, she asked her GP who said that he had nothing forwarded to him either. The GP's nurse got onto it and found out what happened, made my Mother another appointment to get an appraisal as the first doctors notes were not comprehensive enough for the normal doctor there write up anything to send to the specialist. The doctor said that the problem was treatable (macular hole in the eye) but if you catch it fast the results may be better after surgery - man, I was ready to spit tacks at this stage. So, if nothing seems to be happening, ask, and if you are not happy with the answer or timeframe, ask some more, and keep doing so until they get sick of you and action your requests just to get rid of you! And if you are dealing with someone who wants you to send documents, make copies of these before you do - we have just had ACC say they have lost my Mothers claim documents because they went to the wrong office (not her fault), so can you send them again? She has copies of some, but not all of them.
  2. I would beg to differ, it is all about composition and photographic quality rather than the subject matter. You could easily put a good photo of a Guppy in there and give everyone a run for their money. Nice frog pic BTW.
  3. Don't forget to enter one for the Feb Photo of the Month Comp. Details here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=photocomp
  4. Dare I say - rubbish.... The lost the plot, and it is nothing like the original as far as storyline goes.
  5. Gong Hei Fat Choy Wishing You Prosperity and Wealth
  6. I have not heard or a sedentary lifestyle being referred to as rust before!
  7. Awww... you could have made up a good horror story here....
  8. Now there's a phrase I haven't heard in a while! oops... may be showing my age a bit here...
  9. Dare I ask what happened to your old goalkeeper? Not trying to scare Wok, or anything, just curious...
  10. You have to roll your Rs, Jim.
  11. Gotta love the pink ribbon!
  12. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=36249
  13. You don't stick the stream to the magnet, you stick the bracket that holds the stream to the magnet. But make sure you have the newer clip as Suphew says, not the original old ones, as they became brittle and arms would break, as well as the four little tiny tags that hold it to the magnet.
  14. That would depend on how you tether them together, to be in series you would have to have the lead to the first dog held by the person walking them, the first dog is tethered to the second dog with a separate lead, and then another lead from the second dog back to the person walking them. Parallel would require two leads, one to each side of the first dog, which in turn is tethered by a further two leads to each side of the the second dog - probably best not to get them twisted, or they will short out.
  15. The magnets on the Tunze Nanos are fine, it's the four mingy little plastic clips that hold the bracket onto the magnet that are the problem.
  16. Hmm... tiny leaves with roots, like this? http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=plant&PID=LM1 After they have taken over your tank, you need not bother with Co2, there won't be enough light for the rest of the plants to take advantage of it! Stella has this in her four foot native tank, well, she used to, don't know if she still does after the Dec08 incident, and shifting flats...
  17. Grolux are fine, but it depends on how many tubes you have, and you can always mix the tube colours if you do not like the pink look. Do Koura like high light conditions? - you may need to buy them sunglasses! Or provide them lots of hidey holes, and I thought they were rather partial to re-arranging plants?
  18. Our stepdaughter had an idiot boyfriend (no longer has him, thank goodness!) who had a dunger of a car - early 90's Mazda 323, painted it himself a nice mat black colour, he was constantly fiddling with the engine even though he knew nothing about it. He didn't have two cents to rub together and when he did it was spent on the car, which made no difference to the way it prefomed or looked, it was still a dunger. Anyway, it had mags on it, that were - ahem.. repossessed when the guy who owned them got out of prison and found out who had his mags after one of his 'mates' had sold them for some money. So they turned up, lifted the car up, took the mags off and left the car on the ground - stepdaughters boyfriend meanwhile hiding in the flat cringing in the corner and praying that they don't want come inside and have 'words' with him. The upshot is, after making his girlfriend ring us and ask if they could borrow a set of wheels for the car (didn't mention what had happened to the mags, we found out from her mother) as he was loading them into our stepdaughters car, he said to my husband that he was going to go down to the Mag place in town and get some new ones, because you could get them for a dollar deposit.... My husband virtually dropped the wheel he was carrying and says something to the effect of 'you had better come inside and we will have little a talk...' The young ones these days have no idea, unfortunately we live in a consumer society, where we are judged not by what we do, as was the case in the past, but by what 'brands' we display to society. You could work as a septic tank cleaner, but when you go out at night, as long as you have the 'right' car, phone, brand of clothes, no-one is going to blink twice.
  19. One way to tell them apart is that the dorsal fin of Gambusia starts after the anal fin, whereas the dorsal fin of a guppy starts almost level with the anal fin. In saying that, with some of the fancy guppies it may be hard to tell, I have a female with a long dorsal that seems to start back a bit further than the shorter finned guppies. Gambusia affinis Mosquitofish Poecilia reticulata Guppy
  20. Perhaps the issue here would be the swings in ph rather than what the level was. Perhaps you could use fertiliser balls in the substrate by the roots of the plants rather than adding liquid ferts to the water if you are concerned. This is of course, no help for the Java moss, but as Alanmin says, unless you have substantial lighting Co2 and ferts will be of no help.
  21. I have Java moss growing like a weed in a 2ft tank with just one 15w colour 96 fluorescent tube over the top - and a whole bunch of guppies, no ferts, substrate or Co2. Takes a bit of time to get established.
  22. The mudfish may not know.... But we will!
  23. When our cat got hit by a car and ended up getting it's leg pinned, we borrowed a cage from the SPCA, gave them a donation for the use. Good luck trying to keep the cat 'quiet' - ours certainly wasn't!
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