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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. quiet (its always loud around here) or
  2. Tsarmina

    hi there

    welcome fellow wellingtonian
  3. Holden Pink or Purple??
  4. no real recommendations on heater brands, just make sure they are fully submersible.
  5. when putting heaters in, put them at opposite ends of the tank. i have a 300w heater, in my 4ft, close to the filter so it circulates the heat around the tank. i have a 200w as a back up at the other end set 2 degrees lower than the 300w. this way it will only turn on if the 300w fails.
  6. Tsarmina

    Albini Pleco

    hi ashbo, didn't know there was another wainuiomartian about. even though it doesn't look like it in the pic, he does have the red eyes.
  7. Tsarmina

    Albini Pleco

    yep, saw him, fell in love, took him home
  8. Tsarmina

    Albini Pleco

    LOL. it was the best chance i had of a photo before letting him loose in a heavily planted tank. it seems my male bristlenose, that lives in the tank, is not entirely impressed with this new addition :roll:
  9. Tsarmina

    Albini Pleco

    that is his temporary home. he will later be moved to a spacious 4ft
  10. Tsarmina

    Albini Pleco

    What do you think??
  11. it's probable that she may have some of both.
  12. i have a few female that have a bend in their spines due to heavy pregnancies. they are still breeding :roll: and swimming around happily.
  13. the long black fluffy stuff. am hoping to avoid buying another fish just to eat it as there are 5 tanks with traces of it and i don't have room for another algae eater.
  14. i just got a surprise too... i have a baby Buenos Aries Tetra. already has its colours, so don't know how long its been in there.
  15. thanks people. it is being used to treat an algae problem.
  16. i need to know if this will cause issues with any of the fish listed below. black ghost knife guppies danios bristlenoses chinese algae eaters peppered corys sword tails rosy barbs tetra: buenos aires, pristella, black widow, serpae, neon, glowlight. thanks :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  17. wainui pets has a liquid form. i was asking janis about the straw today and she is also unsure as to where you could buy it from.
  18. unfortunately, i have lost her. Afrikan, i know of that one, it's the only info i have been able to find even close to knowing what sort of conditions they require. i was hoping for a NZ 1st, world 2nd.
  19. my female Chinese algae eater got stuck in the hole at the top of a pot. it seems she has been there for a while. we managed to remove her and found that she was still breathing, just. i have her in a net, near the air hose and i have put melafix in the water. any ideas on anything else to help her? also, she has eggs. is there anything i could do to remove them from her (they are protruding from her underside) and hatch them, if i lose her? or is it more likely that they haven't been fertilized? (sorry about the poor pic, camera's playing up so had to use cellphone)
  20. Tsarmina

    Neons M.I.A

    i have read that most tetra prefer temps of around 22 - 23oC
  21. Tsarmina

    Yay... New Post

    i have 1 bathtub out the back with 5 WCMM's and about 30 fry
  22. if you provide a floating and ground cover most of the fry will survive. the only problem i have with my guppies at the moment is getting them to STOP breeding! i have 3 tanks full of guppies and i'm very quickly running out of room
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