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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. fixed :oops: as i said, i would, but i'm not allowed! he gets bloodworms for breakfast, but i think he's going off them too. don't have whiteworms.
  2. what do people feed there Black Ghost Knife's? i was feeding mine ox heart last night and found that he's not eating it any more :roll: now i need an alternative. any suggestions??
  3. lol no thanks. mark is currently trying to catch lots of little convicts in a 3ft tank, while trying to avoid plants, tetra and guppies. hehehe
  4. the list of questions :lol: 1. what type of plant can i put in with them? (if any) 2. can i put BN's in the same tank? 3. how do i sex them? 4. and is there any other info you can give me please? (other than using them as feeder fish as i've been told i'm not allowed) thanks
  5. Tsarmina

    Hi guys

    not a problem. as i said, i didn't know the answer but was sure someone on here did. glad it worked out for you :bounce:
  6. it seems my BGK has taken to hiding in my indian fern. he has given up his cave for a warmer spot directly under the lights. scared me the first time i saw him. thought he was dead :roll: will post pics once i take some
  7. Tsarmina

    Hi guys

    cool. i thought it was you twas i who said here was the place to check. hope you find all the help you need and look forward to seeing lots of fishy pics :bounce:
  8. Tsarmina

    Hi guys

    hi shellbell where did you hear about the FNZAS, if you don't mind me asking?
  9. ludakris is from there. i think there are a few others but can remember their names :oops:
  10. Hi simon. which part of wangas you from?? i was born and mostly raised there.
  11. i believe bloodworms are midge fly larvae
  12. i have never had a problem with guppies or fry getting sucked up the intake of a HOB. and only once on an internal (fry was born just above intake :roll: )
  13. hi, does anyone have a decent photo of this type of pleco as i need to verify it for a friend. thanks
  14. tank temp is currently 28oC as for the 2 heaters, Suphew is right. it's there as a back up if the 300w fails. it is set to a slightly lower temp so it is not on unless the temp drops. so, i should just keep treating with the wunder till it goes away? any rough ideas on how long it may take? thanks for the help
  15. i put 8 little peppers in with 2 adults and they are getting on wonderfully. i never realised how social they are in their communities
  16. a cure for Whitespot?? i have treated my tank twice, following directions exactly, with Wunder Whitespot Cure, done the water changes and i stll have it in my tank. also any ideas as to what may be causing it? tank: 4ft gravel java moss indian fern java fern floating plant (unsure of name) another plant that jude gave me large driftwood small driftwood 1 x 300w heater 1 x 200w heater internal filter Fish: 1 x male bn 2 x adult peppered corys 8 x young peppered corys +/- 25 adult guppies +/- 50 fry (which are moved as soon as i can catch them) Parameters: ph: 6.0 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 40 don't know why the nitrate gets so high as i do weekly water changes. will probably have to do bigger ones. i have found no bodies as of yet so its no due to dead tankmates. any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
  17. i have entered 1 female and 2 male guppies
  18. they are not a requirement, but it never hurts to have something that will eat the leftovers. i think the most popular would be Bristlenoses as they look cool and don't get too big, unlike plecos. as for snails, be wary of what type you get. most snails will quickly multiply and you will soon be back on here wondering how to get rid of them and quite a few are known to demolish plants.
  19. i have some plants you can have if you are able to come and get them.
  20. lots of hiding, no aggression
  21. i had a lyre tail and i currently have 2 top sword males. possibly getting some bottom swords soon
  22. i am wondering that myself. i do weeekly water changes of about 10 - 20% and there were only the 3 fish in there and every morning i remove any uneaten food and larger pieces of fish poop. had this issue with another tank a while ago. i ended up completely stripping the tank. that one has been recently set up again as my tetra tank.
  23. lost her this morning no plecos left now Mac the BGK has a tank all to himself.
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