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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. photos of the girl with what looks like white spot. sorry about the darkness. she has taken to hiding in the darkest corner of the tank.
  2. parameters: ammonia: 0.5. yes, i know it's high. that was one of the main reasons for moving the fish last night. nitrites: 0 nitrates: 10. will be doing water change tonight before any treatment is added. PH: 6.0
  3. also, can i put melafix in a tank with BN's. it seems my betta managed to nip half the tale off of 1 on my daino's and the last thing i want is an infection.
  4. as i was going to clean my guppy tank today, i decided last night it was time to move some of the fish. when i lifted the lid, all of them came to see me. i noticed 1 of my girls covered in White Spots. after staring at the fish a little longer, saw it on others too, though not as bad. later in the evening i saw a fry that had lost its top fin, is a pale colour across the section of his body below where the top fin should be and most of its tail is missing. is this fin rot?? also, 1 of my girls has clamped up tight. don't know parameters yet. but as for treating the white spot, i have a bottle of tonic. the directions are 1ml - 20L water. i have BN's in the tank. how would this affect them? do i half the dose or use something else??
  5. i seem to be having them same problem with my blonde girls. the boys are fine but after my girl had her first lot of fry, she wasn't looking too good. after a couple of weeks i noticed the she was always at the top, had trouble going down, and another young female kept attacking her on the side. i quickly removed the younger girl, but lost the adult a few days later.
  6. Tsarmina


    thanks billaney. i knew someone would know
  7. Tsarmina


    i have also decided to get 6 pristella tetra too. i have the tank up and running. just need to put some more plants in, a couple of caves for the peppered cories i'm putting in as clean up crew and the tetra. will post pics once done
  8. mines even more placid than that. i put 5 deformed guppy fry into the tank with him and he only ate 1. the rest are still swimming around his tank, and have been for nearly 2 months
  9. i see what you mean by fast they are now called the zippy fish by the kids
  10. ok, i have a jebo R338 (40L). how many could i put in there with the betta and 2 little bn's??
  11. how well would these guys go in a tank with a male betta?
  12. The Dot has 2 little bn's in his tank. i was wondering if this will be a problem as it seems he like to chase them. though he also occasionally picks a fight with the java moss too :roll: this little man has a real attitude! flares at the heater, filter, plants, and enjoys the occasional nibble on my fingers
  13. yesterday one of my CAE's jumped tried to jump out of my tank :-? lucky for me, i have a nice big piece of perspex in the way. not so lucky for the fish who hit it full force. any way, it was swimming around fine for the rest of the day. this evening it did it again, TWICE!! And once again it is swimming around fine. any ideas on as to why it may want to escape / jump to its death / become a cat treat?? unsure of tank parameters at present, but will get a test done tomorrow (must get myself a test kit :roll: ) current temp is 23.5oC
  14. LOL thanks. its going to be real easy to cut back on feeding as there have been no fish in the tank for a few weeks. i was going to set it up again yesterday till i noticed the worms and thought i'd better check to see if should clean the whole thing out or take out most of the water and do a top up. have decided to do the whole scrub thing so it will be completely emptied
  15. i have a tank that has been sitting with water in it for about 2 weeks. no filter of heater as i turned these off when i took the fish out. i decided today to get off my lazy behind and set it up again and noticed some wormy things swimming in the water after a stirred up the gravel. any ideas on what they may be?? i have feed microworms in this tank. could it be leftovers?? and would they be harmful towards my fish if any were left in there?
  16. i'll have to get back to you on this one once i've bred something other than WCMM's or guppies.
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol: i have never seen neons so active before
  18. 2 x plecos 2 x peppered cories 2 x chinese algae eaters 6 x bristlenoses
  19. well, done the furan treatment and there has been no deaths to speak of as yet, so hopefully we have eliminated the problem. am going to set up another tank as the population is still increasing very quickly.
  20. Tsarmina


    not sure if they are the same thing. maybe a tetra expert will come in and let us know
  21. i FINALLY have a betta and here he is...
  22. Loaches are the best fish for eating snails.
  23. Tsarmina


    i have done some reading. out of the ones i have chosen, the biggest full grown size will be 5cm, the smallest (being the embers) at around 2cm. all of them like similar water conditions and are considered peaceful. the only ones which may become problematic would be the serpae being noted as fin nippers, though i haven't noticed any nipped fins in my tank, yet. wainui pets has the conchus, green flame and the bloodfins, and frequently get the embers. i will be getting a minimum of 6 of each to keep them happy. will also be keeping an eye out for some more black widows as i only have 2.
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