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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i had to remove the carbon from my filter as it was causing problems. my water went green. did a 100% water change, as the little changes weren't doing anything, and it turned green again. took out the carbon and have had no issues since.
  2. we had an Albino rainbow shark in a community tank. he was never aggressive towards any of his tank mates. though it is recommended not to have more than 1 in a tank.
  3. i have 2 chinese algae eaters together in the same tank. they never fight, and recently there has been a bit of rubbing and showing off
  4. just to double check, which one of these will eat that horrible black fluffy algae??
  5. i know it has been brought up before, but i can't find it. what are the differences between a siamese algae eater and a flying fox??
  6. i have mine in a bath tub out the back
  7. thats when your not trying to wash the roof with it :lol: :lol:
  8. well the power guys are brilliant (not something i'd say often about them). they have been busy all day replacing a power pole outside our driveway. they did everything that they could, without cutting our power, first. power was off for a total of 35mins mark told them this morning about the fish and they did their best to keep the time as short as possible.
  9. thanks people. just making sure i have all the bases covered and hey, if it gets too bad i just throw them in 1 of the other wainuiomartians tanks (if they're not having their's off too)
  10. i have bn's tetra guppies danios rosy barbs cae's convicts :roll: corys and a black ghost knife any of those sensitive??
  11. ok, i know theres a few threads about power cuts, but i'm just too lazy to go hunting for them :oops: :roll: i have just received a letter stating that our power will be off between 10am-3pm on friday. what are the bits i need to remember? i know towels / blankets wrapped around the tank to help keep warm, but are there any other hints and tips from those who have been through it before? we have a gas burner so i can do top ups of warm water if need be. the thing i'm worried about is the airation and filtration. thanks Tsar
  12. i would go for the guppies. they have got to be one of the hardiest fish for cycling i have ever seen. (especially when your nitrites spike as high as the test card goes :oops: )
  13. as long as there aren't any guppies :lol: otherwise you'll lose them in my tanks. it would be take your pick when you came to get em :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. sorry to hear about your losses. i could find space here for a few if required too.
  15. literally! it almost looks a mouldy colour. he's eating fine, but his attitude has changed. normally if i put a mirror up to the tank he will flare (he's prettier than his reflection :lol: ), but tonight he didn't. he just looked and swam away and hid. will test water tomorrow as its a little late at the moment. any ideas? thanks
  16. would it be ok to put 2 adult and 8 young adult peppered cories in a 28L tank for breeding, or is it to many? also, do i use the hang on back filter i have for the tank, or set up an under gravel filter instead? thanks :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  17. the number of fry produced also depends on the size of the girls. i had 2 adult females drop 25 fry each on 1 day and a young female drop about 6 the next.
  18. not sure if this is the right place, as tsar is out and about, but heres some good news for everyone, http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3840792a11,00.html its been a heck of a battle, but it looks like welly, is finally going to get a quality attraction, and training centre
  19. is there a list of winners available yet?
  20. if your ever down this way i have heaps of girl gups.
  21. thanks for the great pics guys. pity i wasn't able to get there, maybe next year
  22. thanks Billaney, great to know they got there with no casualties. Good luck to all those who have entered
  23. what sort of colours are they??
  24. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/national_fish_show_2007/ see above link for details
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