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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i have a breeding pair of B/N's with their 3rd batch of eggs. in the tank i also kept a breeding pair of bettas. unfortunately i lost the female, but i still have the male in there (with approx 50 b/n + more on the way) and i have had NO troubles what so ever.
  2. i have: 1 female res - Raphael 1 male res - Michelangelo it was love at first sight when i put them together, but i have no idea how old they are
  3. Tsarmina


    Dixon, there is always a bigger fish Cam, there are far too many to count at the moment. once they get bigger i'll have a go
  4. Tsarmina


    i have read that pearl danios are quite difficult to get rid of, though i do have 'homes' for all of mine that don't sell
  5. Tsarmina


    mine was a little easier than that. i have pearl danios. small tank with only natural light set up as follows: air stone marbles 3 weighted clumps of indian fern heater 24oC water. pulled out from main tank 1 female and 1 male. put in tank i left them in the tank for a few days as had some serious family issues to deal with. fed lightly so as not to leave mess. also fed mozzie larvae. noticed, after issues resolved, an egg with fry inside. removed parents. that evening saw 1 fry on side of tank next morning saw 2 that evening saw a whole heap of them the following day they were all free swimming. have been feeding liquifry and powdered flake mixed together in water, then squirted into tank using eye dropper. they are now a week old (from free swimming) and there are far too many to try and count
  6. from what i remember reading, you need to have a fence that goes a reasonable depth as turtles dig.
  7. oh, and thank you everyone for your input
  8. well the fish aren't visibly complaining so thats cool. i just found it odd that it was red. i'm used to green :lol: that would explain the front pond too. it is also red, but i thought it was just from the new red bricks leaching colour.
  9. i have a bathtub outside that contains 38 minnows. i had cleaned the tub out, refilled, left for a few days, then put the fish out. this was about a month ago. it is now red. there is nothing in the tub that would leach any red colour. the water is tinged red, the java moss looks like the plant from war of the worlds, and everything is coated in what looks to be a red algae. i expected green, but not red! any ideas on what it could be and how to treat it? thanks
  10. heaps of fry free swimming on the 13th. currently feeding Liquifry #1. 1, at what size/age do i start feeding them bigger foods? 2, what sort of foods would you recommend? thanks in advance
  11. he will chase her a bit and then swim back under the bubble nest and wait for her (this will happen a few times). if she doesn't go to him, shes not ready
  12. i bred mine in a 24L tank without issues, as long as mum has somewhere to hide once they are done.
  13. i just move my rosy barbs from tank to tank, they eat it
  14. nothing here again we are to be the last to receive, bloomin wellington post :roll:
  15. cory eggs take about 5 days to hatch
  16. have you put a mirror in front of him for a while?
  17. geez, i'm lucky. i have 7 danios and a small swordtail in an R338 and i haven't lost any
  18. i will not handle my pleco or adult bristlenoses, but i do handle the baby bn's only if need be.
  19. i think it would have killed off most, not so much from temp, but from the fact that no water is flowing.
  20. what type of frog is it as its not a brown whistling tree frog.
  21. a black ghost knife (bgk) can get up to 50cm though it does take some time. also, they have extremely large mouths and will eat anything that will fit (and some things that don't) as for your pleco, what type is it? if it is a common, they also get VERY large.
  22. i have had no troubles with breeding them, and now a lot of them have top, bottom and double sword tails. i even have one with three swords
  23. i have the same problem. i have recently done a water change and i removed a heap of duckweed.
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