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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. the fog cleared here, in the wainui village, at about 10.45am.
  2. my other half helps out frequently, but i can't stand it when he does the dishes. when it comes to things that will be containing my food, i like perfection. not a spot is to be seen on a plate or pot. So, i quietly go in after he's finished and rewash any that aren't up to my standards :oops:
  3. definitely not NZC as we use them, and you would have received a tracking number and possibly a bag number with them
  4. well, i can tell you its not NZ couriers, and its not coming up on the courier post or fastways tracking sites either, though it does fit the format of courier post / nz post tracking numbers
  5. supasi, if you took the photo in the other direction, i could almost see my grandparents place :lol:
  6. thats nothing. a pot hold about 2 1/2 cups, so thats 5 cups between 9am and 6pm. from 6pm onwards theres about another 5-6. so 10 - 11 cups a day.
  7. my partner drinks Civo as it is reasonably priced. 1 250g pack will last him about 3 days :roll:
  8. cool, now i know what i had. i just thought it would be something like a triple sword.
  9. be wary when putting betta's together. i have 1 male and 1 female living together in a 2ft tank. they get on fine and will breed together. But, if i put the female in with any of my other males, she attacks them and shreds their fins. every fish has its own personality, and with betta's it will be a case of trial and error to see if they will tolerate each other. though, if you are getting a couple that have been living together in the same tank previously, then you should be alright
  10. Tsarmina

    Fry colouring

    no harm in wishful thinking dad has nice big fins, but he's no special type (from what i can tell). his brother, however, is short finned, so that may come through.
  11. Tsarmina

    Fry colouring

    mine have just hatched this evening, so i still have a while to wait. dad is red and mum is blue. very small chance one or 2 may be purple
  12. unfortunately i ran out of guppies :-? but, yes, i had a lot that looked like that.
  13. i would like to teach my female fighter NOT to nibble at my arm every time its in the tank :roll: :lol:
  14. my first tank belongs to my partner. (but is my by right of being the one who looks after the fish) it is a 3ft bay window, sitting out on the back deck as it split a seem and needs new silicon :roll: (along with a 2ft and a 4ft that needs a new base)
  15. if i am correct, this is the time adults are starting to hibernate. they don't lay until after hibernation.
  16. general rule with fish "if it will fit in my mouth, i'll eat it"
  17. another fun idea is an auction night, as opposed to a table. everyone brings in their items to sell, club get a small percentage.
  18. Mac - Black ghost knife (deceased) Zippy - Black Ghost knife Ba'al - Clown Knife Chip and Dale - chinese algae eaters (dale deceased)
  19. to all the mums out there Hope you have an enjoyable day
  20. as a moderator for that forum, i try to stop in every day, and if there are posts to reply to, i try to help if i can.
  21. woohoo!!! got mine today not as late as normal, and a lot fast than the bills (which are taking up to 6 days to arrive :evil: )
  22. Elite Mini. box says for 11L, but even in my 28L i have to keep it on low or the fish get blown around the tank
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