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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. must meet up again sometime Colour: Purple Age: 26yrs 4 days Other Interests: Music, Books
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hope you''ve had a great day
  3. if we had subways over here, i reckon McD's would be out of business
  4. in order of preference BK KFC Mc D's
  5. :lol: :lol: probably not the best turn of phrase :lol: :lol:
  6. i only have 1 female left now i know to drop the temp
  7. i agree with a bare bottom tank. also keep it well covered so the air in the top doesn't get too cold.
  8. i got my name from my grandparents: COLin and eiLEEN = COLLEEN
  9. i had the ones who just bred doing that and then they bred. she started the same thing with his brother and shredded his fins. be watchful. if you don't think things are going smoothly, put her back in the container overnight just to be sure. you can let her out again tomorrow
  10. my fry are now free swimming and i have removed dad from the net and put him back in the tank. he didn't want to go, so is now sitting underneath it.
  11. i have Dark's copy of Nature Aquarium World book 3 here. absolutely amazing photos, with lists of what is in the pictures, from water quality to plants and fish.
  12. it may take him a few tries, especially if this is his first time. the ones i have just bred, did so without a bubble nest. he just caught the eggs and stuck them up in bubbles as they went.
  13. YAY!!! my eggs have hatched i now have white spots with tails :lol:
  14. they are separated. these nips and such are from other types of fish
  15. unless you have ample space for raising a large amount male fighters, i find it best not to separate them unless you have to. i had 4 fry survive to young adult stage and they all turned out to be males. unfortunately i lost one a few weeks ago, but i still need to sell 2 more, as i still have dad in a tank as well. issue i have at the moment is, of the 2 i have to sell, 1 has a nipped tail and the other is missing a chunk out of his bottom fin. will have to wait till it grows back.
  16. angel is getting worse. he barely moves now. betta has had no change. will be retreating tonight. though his son has just spawned his first batch of eggs
  17. it also helps to pull your head out of the fridge BEFORE straightening up :roll:
  18. my 2 just spawned this afternoon. walked in on the after picking up my boy from school. don't expect much to come of it as it is the first time for both of them
  19. thanks people. just to add to the fun, my adult male betta has a mouth fungas so he is being treated with furan 2 at the moment. :roll:
  20. water is fine. was being picked on by the other angel, so moved it. no signs of external injury.
  21. i currently have it in a breeding net so it is closer to the surface. that way it doesn't miss out on food, though it looks like its not eating either. hopefully it will get better, as Bailey got 3 in sept as a 7th birthday present, and we have already lost one.
  22. have noticed recently that one of my (well, they're actually bailey's) angels has been residing on the gravel in the plants. noticed that the other angel was picking on it so moved it to a quieter tank. it had difficulty swimming, slightly nose up, and when it got to the bottom, it fell over :-? has been having more and more trouble staying upright and swimming, though it keeps trying. does this sound like a swim bladder problem? thanks in advance
  23. just look at all that nice green lawn you have to keep mowed. best solution for that is to build a massive fishroom
  24. i have 37 minnows in the outside bath tub with plenty of room to spare. it gets grubby (green) and i don't change the water much, but they have all survived and it attracts more bugs so i feed them less. one year i put 6 in. six months later i pulled 60 out of the tub. i haven't yet left them outside over winter as i'm not sure if they would like their water being frozen over for half a day, every day. i have a tank that i put them in that has mainly bristlenoses and a betta. they don't seem to mind the move.
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