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  • Location
    Palmerston North
  • About You
    fish, bass

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. depends, do you want the fish to be straight or curved, if straight min size for a 50cm fish is 50cm...
  2. ive got some from ideal electrical before. my tank looked bad (edited by Caryl) though still have it but bought a new pet shop one and it made a huge difference so the ideal one went back in its box
  3. myob is accounting for people who dont know accounting i thought
  4. i got 1B5 books from the warehouse, 25cents each
  5. quick google search, your laptop has a max memory of 1Gb, so optimum will be two sticks. it takes DDR Translate to english 2 of these http://pconlineshop.co.nz/pcshop/produc ... s_id=10251
  6. look into salling clicker, its what i use on my n95
  7. i think there fragile when there little, 2-3cm so get a bad name
  8. 2 fish in a 40l tank without filtration will be fine.
  9. vindy500

    Live rock

    ok, just going off what ive read on the net
  10. vindy500

    Live rock

    so i need about 4kg of the stuff right? how much of a rush are you in to get rid of it suphew? i.e could it wait till February when i move back to wellington?
  11. vindy500

    Live rock

    need enough for a 40l tank, do you have any pics? If you've taken it out will it still be live
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