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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i suppose i'm lucky then. I am the boss and i work from home, so if the other half thinks what i have is weird, then tough luck for him! lol
  2. i have managed to get mine to eat flake, and its really funny when he eats a pleco chip, whole and lengthwise, lol
  3. and if you put in a daphnia, you won't have to do daily water changes :lol:
  4. Me too!! but i suppose, because i work from home, it doesn't really count.
  5. i have 8 cats and they all know that the fish are 'Mummy's Fish' so they stay away
  6. welcome back. when you need some bristlenoses, just let me know
  7. the only trouble i had with my khulis is they ate my guppy fry
  8. intriguing idea, but it won't be like the game.
  9. Tsarmina

    People Bucket

    if you run out of time, it will restart on the level you are on
  10. i have 8 cats and all of them know that the fish are "Mummy's Fish" and they will be punished if they touch them. they don't even bother to watch the fish anymore.
  11. massive mouth is correct. don't be fooled by their looks. the mouth is twice the size you think it is. BGK's do grow very large and will need a decent size tank, but they take a while to get there. mine is about 18cm and i have had him for about a year. he was approx 10cm when i got him. currently living in a 4ft tank with a clown knife, but this needs to change soon as he is starting to get aggressive towards it. he is also very good friends with the 28cm albino pleco in the tank if you do get one, try to avoid feeding live foods as they will refuse any other once hooked :roll:
  12. Tsarmina

    cat fight

    this one's better
  13. i understand your point, i was only thinking of the quality of life for the fish
  14. if they were local i would buy it. i would then put the minnows with my other 35 outside in the pond, and put the glass away in the cupboard.
  15. plastic container floating in tank with airstone. if you use a breeding net, there is a very high chance of the other fish sucking the eggs out through the netting. i lost 250 eggs and 50 fry that way.
  16. just checking as it is a scaleless fish and they sometimes react differently to meds
  17. i have a khuli with an sore on the side of its body. it was resting near the surface on a tiger lotus leaf, so i now have it in a breeding net. what can i treat it with?
  18. He buys them, i look after them :roll: :lol:
  19. not necessarily. the only way to really tell is ONLY males will get bristles on the top of the mouth/head. occasionally females will get bristles around the edge of the mouth
  20. is that the one that links on to facebook?
  21. once mine were big enough to go outside, the litter box was gone, with the exception of sick or injured cats that had to stay inside.
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